
My troll is pretty rusty, but I'll give it a go:
"Firefly sucks." @leperelo:disqus "Why are you on the comment boards if your only comment is that everyone should stop commenting?"

Let me ask you, among everything else you have to do, isn't is strangely fun to deconstruct this show if you show up here?

Yeah, come to think of it, that would be perfectly in keeping with the way this show operates. The young'uns wouldn't understand what had actually occurred; the adults would think, yeah, that's right, Finn's first time was kind of sloppy and inept, but neither of the participants would really remember that much about

Doesn't pertain much to this interesting episode (Finn gets his arm back, and PB might sometime in the future give him a new magical love supersword?), but Anthony Bourdain said on his CNN show, when introducing Jack Pendarvis on his Mississippi Delta visit, after reading some of Pendarvis's other credits, that he was

Yeah, I know. My post was a Community reference.

Seriously, could you imagine bouncing a check to Kunta Kinte?

More fish for Kunta.

Yes! And he should not speak a word, unless it's singing the Reading Rainbow theme song in the men's room.

I'm actually surprised Ironman wasn't first on the list. It's about the same length as Shawshank, and it seems to be on constantly.

C'mon now. I drink toilet wine exclusively. Kahlua tastes a lot like toilet wine cut with Coca-Cola.

It was Hannibal.

I'm guessing it was from the last time Alana was at Hannibal's place. I believe it was three episodes ago that Will gave Alana a firearm and told her to kill him or Hannibal —- whichever were necessary.

So the beginning of next season is sure to take place "one year from then", or something like that. Nobody would ever accuse Fuller of adhering to realistic standards (and the show is wonderful for that), but everyone except for Hannibal is near death.

Was it orange? I thought it was red, but I'm terrible with colors.

Red. I know I mentioned this last week, but once again the only bright colors in the universe of Hannibal are the red on women. This time it was most clear with Jack's boss, but Alana had some red (paisleys maybe?), too. I don't know if there's something deeper, but I'm open to suggestions.

Of course Will's going to survive — they'd be insane to get rid of Hugh Dancy. He did seem to lose a lot of blood, though. Jack's tying off his wound seems to me to indicate that he'll survive — his injury didn't appear to open up the artery that Hannibal opened on Abigail, who must be very dead this time.

I'd still give this episode an "A", mostly because of the insane back half, but I thought Slade and Fuller were a little too on-the-nose in the opening sequence, merging Jack and Hannibal, then Will and Will, to show Will seems to be serving two masters. It's been subtext, or maybe even outright text, before, but that

HEY! I thought "THIS. FUCKING. SHOW." was reserved for Person of Interest. You two-timer.

From what I understand reading elsewhere on this site, Bryan Fuller planned a multiple-season show. But I disagree with its being depressing if it were a *series* finale. Considering how much other Hannibal stories are out there, I thought it would've been an appropriately ambiguous ending.

Yes, sex or the word "fuck" will make the censors apoplectic; gratuitous and horrifying violence is O.K. Clearly we have our priorities in order here in 'Mericuh.