
Those are me Lucky Charms.

Are you kidding? Romulus tells Remus to say "What?!?!"

"If" you were drunk?

Sam and Barbie are falling into either cream-cheese filling or Hell. (I choose Hell.)

I loves me some bottomless cake.

Ponder your Dome?

"How ignorant can you get?" You seem to be an expert in ignorance, so you tell me.

Ketchup on eggs is offensive to me, but apparently you're from somewhere where it's not.

Forty exclamation marks? Eh . . . that's me.


OK! I drink mustard straight from the packet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're a terrible person if you put ketchup on eggs.

Wow! That's specific.

But I can't fathom an actor who could give this garbage any gravitas.

She's actually one of the least-terrible people on this show.

I didn't look it up, but I'd buy these people being only from terrible commercials.

I hate-watch this as much as the next girl, but the "Next Time On" showed Barbie falling into the abyss off that cliff while he professed his undying love for a woman who hates him? Loves him? Hates him? Loves him?

There are few people as good as what they do than is Brendan Gleeson at what he does. I loved The Guard, and I just saw Calvary, which I thought was quite good. So he can lead a film (maybe only a McDonagh film, but, so be it).

Is this the back stretch of a knock-knock joke?

In case anyone here watches shows live, one of the best episodes of one of the best shows is re-running tonight at 10: Person of Interest, "The Devil's Share". If you've seen the show, you know you want to watch it again. If you've never seen the show . . . well, this episode would be a terrible place to start. (But