
Used to rankle me that ESPN would pair Jon Miller with Joe Morgan on Sunday Night Baseball. Miller always seemed delighted and fascinated while calling the game, but Morgan usually appeared cranky and uninformed (hence

Bony jabroni.

Daily fantasy sports hustlers, cocksuckers!

I was admittedly half watching the episode, but when they said that Monument Point got nuked, I assumed it was something in Washington DC that I had somehow never heard of, like a section near the Washington Mall.

Maybe they can replace Kendra and Carter with Thanagarians — not the Hawkpeople we deserve, but the ones we need.

He was butchering Korean, actually.

He can team up with Peter Porker, the Spider-Ham.

'Gods and Monsters' is a little grimdark, but it's also an Elseworlds type universe. And gotta love the return of the Bruce Timm animation style.

Hey, they don't need TWO stretchy guys.

If Bruce Timm/Paul Dini are involved, it's probably at least pretty good. Otherwise the results have been mixed.

He let Shado die and then lied about it, if I remember correctly.

Both characters also share perma-scruff.

Yeah, that didn't ring true to me either. If Castle really believes in 'one shot, one kill', he would've brought a rifle, not a shotgun. Unless he was just trying to flush Grotto outside, but it seems like a well aimed round from a handgun or rifle would have been the quicker, better option.

…and a tiara. Or maybe it's a gift from Jessica?

Yeah, either way it's kind of sloppy (unless I missed something, which is entirely possible when you're deep into the second night of bingewatching).

Maybe Madame Gao has a secret portal hidden in that basement of hers.

"[I]s it just a massive coincidence that the random shoot-out that killed Frank’s family happened to be orchestrated by a guy he served with?"

At least they're not constantly flying back and forth to a remote, unmapped city every other episode (maybe that'll be in Iron Fist!). It's like, Nanda Parbat is home to the League of Assassins, yet Oliver and company seem to waltz in whenever they want.

And Microchip is Frank's righthand man in the comics, providing tech and hacking skills.

Strange coincidence — Spike Lee's awful version of 'Oldboy' tried to outdo the original hallway fight scene by also making it more vertical by adding stairwells and elevators.