
They retconned Quake after Agents of SHIELD debuted (with a similar backstory). Squirrel Girl's retcon is kind of a meta joke, but as far as I can tell it's official:…

While it's true that the character doesn't have a lot of continuity baggage, just thought it was strange he hasn't been retconned yet in the comics, a la Squirrel Girl, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Quake. Seems to be Marvel's MO when they want to take back a character into their MCU roster.

As far as I know, he's officially still a mutant in the comics, so I wonder how the show is able to use him.


"Fuck you, Rick Berman! What is it with Ricks, anyway?"

It's not really a series so much as an anthology. Like a lot of Silver Age comics, each issue is a self-contained story.

Does anybody remember Alan Moore's '1963' series from Image? Each issue was an homage/satire of a Marvel Silver Age character (the FF became Mystery Inc., Thor was spoofed in Horus, Lord of Light, etc.).

"[E]ventually both companies are overrun with macho freaks with wild eyes
and bulging neck veins shooting people in the face to get revenge for
their beachball be-titted girlfriends who got killed by a DIFFERENT
macho freak with wild eyes and bulging neck veins."

Yeah, i thought it was the Zero Matter indigestion getting to him.

Let's make Mick the new half of Firestorm. No more guns — now he can shoot fire out of his goddamned hands.

The only aspect of this show that I find consistently entertaining is the Ray-Snart dynamic. Everything else feels so forced, from relationship building to plot structure.

"Jeem, when we talked about talking about me…" Follow this guy (… for some light twitter comedy during the Superb Owl.

Both languages are similar in that they have formal and informal methods of speaking and are also very hierarchical. For instance, formalities/honorifics would be used when speaking to an authority figure, an elder, or a stranger. I think a key difference is that should an argument or debate come up, the Japanese

Soju is awful — it tastes like rubbing alcohol, doesn't seem to be doing anything until it's like a bomb goes off, and leaves a bad hangover. The national drink of Korea!

Sorry to disappoint, but Koreans are generally very blunt.

Kwa kee sur pee kee koo?

Yeah, I listen to both of their podcasts (because I'm a masochist? Child of the 90s desperately clinging onto nostalgia?). The resulting clash of egos would have generated so much pressure and gravity that eventually a singularity would have formed, hopefully sucking Telepictures and TMZ into its vortex, never to be

While Carolla projects this air of being an alpha male, 'I don't give a shit what other people think' type, he's insecure and thin skinned.

That's only if they coat the body in the mysterious yellowish gelatin that Spam seems to secrete.