
Been a while since I've watched RotJ. Either way, he was a Y-Wing pilot, not an A-Wing :)

Well, as an Asian guy, the only character I had to hang my hat on was the Y-Wing pilot in 'Return of the Jedi' who shouts "there's too many of them!" And then the prequels came along and gave us the Trade Federation — thanks George!

Interestingly, MCU Stark has a much better justification for self-registration (Sokovia, Ultron) than his comic book counterpart.

Regarding Jax's college prospects — they did state that he had great grades, but football was his ticket to a free ride. There was also the idea that he became emotionally withdrawn after the accident.

Right, but would he have said that if he looked like Eli Manning???

Maybe we'll get a Shang Chi cameo in 'Iron Fist'? Jimmy Woo in 'Shield'?

I mostly read the X-titles and Spider-man when I was a kid, so my first introduction to the character was through EMH and she seemed like a fantastic character. I've since caught up on a lot of other Marvel stuff and it seems like that show (short lived as it was) did a great job of elevating certain characters

He was also in a 'Kung Fu' tv movie where he played the son of Kwai Chang Caine. I always wondered how Lee felt participating in the movie, knowing his father's involvement (and later snubbing) in the creation of that show.

Yeah, he was one of my favorite characters, one of the few non powered people on this show who was really, really good at what he did. Urich always lent an air of credibility and professionalism in every scene he was in, compared to rube off the bus Karen and goofy Foggy. Basically, he was the only adult amidst the

I generally like it too, although I almost laughed when she got out of the car at the end of the episode. After seeing her in normal clothes for most of the episode, the armor, sword, AND shield looked kind of silly (and kind of cheap too).

McDowell's. They have the golden arcs.

Seth MacFarlane showed up a couple of times on 'Enterprise'.

He also had a cameo in 'Insurrection'.

"Do you have a hearing problem, mister?"

That's true. I guess Dune would have been more fun/frightening due to the presence of Welles and Dali.

Jodorowsky's version of Dune. It would have been madness.

My mother owned a dry cleaners/tailor shop like a good Korean, and she and the seamstress would often talk in Korean while pinning the customer's clothes. Usually innocuous stuff, like gossip and the latest K drama. Still, I had to pull her aside one day and tell her that the banter might make the clientele feel

I'd say the following are worth watching, either because they're somewhat important for long term character development or because they're just good: