
I see him more as a recurring 'guest star' who would add intrigue and conflict.

A podcast I used to listen to came up with the show 'Risa Nights', starring Riker as a private investigator.

I rewatch the entire run of TNG from time to time (because I am a loser), and I always skip all of season 1 and most of season 2.

I want him to play a lovably stupid red shirt who constantly finds himself in harm's way, yet always comes out unscathed.

Coincidentally, my friend and I were talking about that match recently and he brought up a good point — if the cage breaking wasn't planned, what exactly were they going to do to get back inside? Climb down? Throw Foley off of it again? No way Undertaker takes a Foley bump either.

I think like most people, I first got into wrestling as a kid, but I rediscovered it during the Attitude era. I kind of saw it as a live action comic book — good guys, bad guys, superteams, 'special' moves, etc. I also started to really appreciate the physical feats, mic skills, the overall theatricality, and also

As a young lad, I made my father take me to see the first 'Mortal Kombat'. After the movie, I asked him what he thought about it. He paused, then said, "That was the strangest movie I've ever seen."

"It tellsh me that gooshe shtepping moronsh like yourshelf should try reading booksh instead of burning them!"

Kim Thayil and Billy have history:

I'm curious as to why he hasn't appeared in any more Apatow/Rogen movies, because I thought he was easily one of the best things about '40 Year Old Virgin'.

If I remember correctly, the Japanese would often shout out 'corpsman!' in an effort to draw them out. Marines eventually adapted and came up with nicknames that couldn't be pronounced easily by Japanese speakers.

One of my best friends was a corpsman. He told me one of the worst aspects was the feeling of shame and guilt when guys in his unit didn't make it, even if they were goners by the time he had reached them. One time, he was given the opportunity to meet a fallen marine's parents. They wanted to thank him for trying

I sometimes imagine Winters exhorting people to keep moving while sitting in lazy LA traffic. "Move out! Move out, men! Go, go, go!"

'The Pacific' also doesn't have the narrative luxury of following one company of men from training all the way through the end of the war. Although that speaks a lot to just how frigging horrible the Pacific theater was, since most units suffered unimaginable casualty rates just to take a little speck of dirt and

Risa, because jamaharon.

"How does it feel to be hunted?!"

I feel the same way about 'Transformers'. I can't say that I love 'Transformers: The Movie' without qualifying that I'm talking about the one with noted thespian Judd Nelson, not that piece of shit Shia.

Yeah, Kim Ki Duk has been accused multiple times of being a misogynist. I tend to view any sexism or misogyny in his movies as less about his personal views and more a reflection of Korean societal views. He's holding a mirror up to hypocrisy and cultural pathology (which is part of the reason he isn't that beloved

This is one of my favorite Kim Ki Duk movies, starring two terrific actors. It's a very absurdist (and sometimes creepy) take on both modern Korean society ("Don't like the way you look? Buy a new face!") and the various stages of a relationship, although expressed in a somewhat non linear fashion. It's an

In one of the early David/Stroman X-Factors, Quicksilver states that Lockjaw is just a dog. Lockjaw 'speaking' to him and Thing was a practical joke performed by the Inhumans.