A predestination paradox.
A predestination paradox.
"They look alike, they walk alike, sometimes they even talk alike… no wonder, they're both Patty Duke."
As a metal loving teenager, whatever minimal interest I might have had in their music ended when I found out their fanclub was called the 'Slaytanic Wehrmacht'.
Is it still on the corner of Know Your Role Blvd. and Jabroni Drive?
Hey, it was 90s. I've not only seen 'Glory Daze' multiple times, I own it on VHS.
A plummy English accent definitely would have contributed to his elitist attitude.
Speaking of bad Boston accents, why was Forest Whitaker's 'Arrival' character from Boston? The character was awful in general (Colonel Exposition), but the bad accent really put it over the top.
Bartender: Looks like there's gonna be a brawl. You playin' something good?
I found the Fey/Poehler/Meyers run so self congratulatory, every punchline a cue for the audience to clap their approval. Norm once said that applause was the one reaction he never wanted as a comedian:
That was about the only interesting thing Snyder has ever done, almost completely undermined by the on the nose song choice.
This is a great point about a terrible script.
A likable, good natured Superman? Get the hell out of here, hippy!
Logan always knew: http://static.comicvine.com…
When I first heard about this, I was sure it was a Chuck Lorre or Whitney Cummings CBS show.
Trump can always run for Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance. Right temperment and skin color.
Like a lot of people, I binge watched Luke Cage and it feels like I'm the only person who didn't dig it that much.
Between this episode and 'Mr. Robot', it hasn't been a great season for basketball scenes.
But there is the ubiquitous sandwich shop chain that once boasted the endorsement services of Jared Fogle.
More money for Lightning Fast VCR Repair! Who needs Mr. Plinkett?