Now you’ve got me craving green beans with chorizo...
Now you’ve got me craving green beans with chorizo...
A lot of commenters seem to be making the mistake of thinking that the choices are between sucking it up or failing the interview, which really misses the point of the article. Sometimes the interviewers are trying to get at something valid and asking it in a clumsy way; sometimes they are just being friendly and…
Some of them are easy, some are difficult:
You are priceless.
Back when I was working in IT, I’d get requests almost every week from a co-worker or my bosses to work on their personal technology—and sometimes even fix their friends’ or family members’ laptops or phones. Sometimes promises of a pizza or a small payment would be suggested, but even then it seemed inappropriate.…
Why does everyone on Deadspin think they are a god damned comedic fucking genius? Maybe your joke would have been a little funnier in Deadspin style...
to be fair, you sound like the typical ‘it was a joke’ bro who was wrong and then conveniently falls back on ‘it was a joke’; i know cause im the same bro.
You get outsmarted and now you answer with insults? Let me guess, you black?
It was a bad joke.
Pretty shitty joke, though.
Jokes are supposed to be funny, so no, it wasn’t a joke.
Sorta a lousy joke.
$1,500 x 2 a month = $3K. $3K x 6 months a year playing = $18K.
Shift ESC works on Chromebooks.
The computer provides more functionality (with or without the internet connection) than any single application ever will. Likewise with the internet and your home. The internet can provide the capability of me to easily converse and keep up with people I know, my home keeps me out of the elements and provides a place…
Huh. I find this surprising. I have a lot of friends who are teachers and they seem to view their summers as time off.
P.S. If you are in the unfortunate position of having just purchased an item of clothing that cannot be washed in hot water, washing won’t help you with the creepy-crawlies. You’ll have to dry-clean it. You’re better off rolling the dice.
Absolutely not. I can’t do any fake sweetener anything. Not soda, not yogurt, candy, nothing. It all tastes like chemicals to me.
So, basically, what you’re saying is you didn’t read the article at all?
How about “because you want to?”