
One thing to think about - if you’ve paid off your debts and have long-term investments - is that your emergency fund might not need to be very big. If you’ve got long-term investments you can access (not in IRAs/401ks) that exceed a couple of years of income, and they’re diversified (not 100% stocks) really

“Courtney Carver, writing on Be More with Less, points out that you should divide the number of items you own by seven (for the seven days of the week) and get rid of (or sell) anything that goes beyond the number you need for a week. For example, you only need enough clothing to have outfits for seven days and the

Because in civil society a gun is a last resort, not a safety tip.

Just saying, everyone that hidden carries has these fantasies of stopping movie theater killers and school shooters, but in reality, it probably won’t play out how they think it will. I’m not saying it’s a bad or good thing, just that because you have a gun in your pocket doesn’t mean the guy buying your car might not

I love shooting guns but I don’t think a concealed weapon makes you any safer. Best to leave the gun at home and just meet someone at a place with cameras and people around.

show me the data on that claim instead of reciting what they teach you in gun bible study.

Last time I checked, a person holding a gun is a lot more capable of causing harm than a person holding a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I think if you follow even half of these tips, you won’t need a concealed weapon in the first place. In addition, I don’t know if I’d go ahead with any transaction in which I felt the need to bring a concealed weapon.

Probably wouldn’t work out as well as you think it would:

That’s great, but how many people have access to your El Super? Prices don’t look like that in my neighborhood.

There are no GMO strawberries. There is next to no chance you ever ate a GMO tomato as it was on the market for about 3 season, had little uptake and was used mostly for bulk product (tomato and pizza sauce). Unless you eat papaya or summer squash you most likely never even directly consumed a GMO fruit, vegetable or

I’m not even mad about this comment, I’m just glad I have it to put on the other side of the seesaw from all the “omg you’re a shill for Monsanto” comments I always get.

“Though often misunderstood to refer only to insecticides, the term pesticide also applies to herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances used to control pests.” That’s from the EPA. I used to have the same misconception. :)

Thanks! This is exactly what inspired me to write this: I started asking my students (in environmental studies and nutrition classes) what they thought of GMOs. They were almost universally against them, for really good reasons...which have nothing to do with GMOs. I wish people would get off this damn bandwagon and

Yeah. I’m going to take advice from someone who can barely find their SHIFT key, and doesn’t know where to put an apostrophe.

Maybe read the entire article and/or click on some of the provided links before commenting? Because that was addressed.

I am sickened by this. Condolences to the Clark family.

Meh. When the copycat site is even remotely similar to Grooveshark in functionality and more than just a glorified mp3 search engine, then I’ll pay attention. Until then, I think they’re probably just trying to piggyback on the name and make a name for themselves in the process.

Google Music All Access

Am I wrong?!