Used to be people would take shots at each other for wearing the wrong colors. Nowadays, it's just Drake wearing EVERYONE'S colors...
Used to be people would take shots at each other for wearing the wrong colors. Nowadays, it's just Drake wearing EVERYONE'S colors...
Debt-to-income ratio (DTI) definition: Your DTI is expressed as a percentage and is your total "minimum" monthly debt divided by your gross monthly income.
Vim FTW! Either Vim or Vi are present in most respectable operating systems. Much easier to learn the basics of than Emacs, IMO. No mousing about, your hands stay on the keyboard which = Fast.
$4.80 may or may not be too much but my goodness you sound self-entitled. You want to make more money? Do the heavy lifting, work in the kitchen, or serve.
Actually this is a terrific example to support my opinion. If my power goes out, I only pay for the electricity that I used. If there's no power, then I don't pay. Likewise, if there's no service from my waiter, they don't get a tip.
If my work quality sucked bad enough, I'd expect to get fired. And then I certainly wouldn't get paid.
Nope. It's always fine not to tip someone. Your pay isn't my problem, nor is your conscious decision to opt for a lower-paying job packaging to-go orders instead of waiting on tables. Don't like the result of your decision? Change it.
If the service sucks, why in the Holy Hell would I still tip 15% to my waiter?!?!
You mean the college club teams that do exist across the country? No different than other college club sports that have minimal interest in the US, but are not viable options for a college to startup financially (such as rugby, men's gymnastics or women's hockey). Women are more than capable, and allowed to play…
It's also clearly in a regulation basketball court and not an alley.
If only there were some sort of novelty shirt, one that conditionally tested the eyesight and literacy of the person behind him, indicating that passing the test implies that his female companion has since been ejected from the vehicle. But more succinct.
So, she got really fucked up, nobody raped her and they took her to the hospital. That is what I'm gathering here. Of course immediately the Jez Brigade is going absolutely ape shit.
So you're the one.
Michael Sam was a First Team All American in the SEC though...
You can see the appeal? Really? Please, and I'm not trying to be an asshole, but please explain the appeal to me?
I can see the appeal, but I can't get past the fact that he has clearly bad at basketball and terrible at rapping.