
They did have a chance to win something. Their vaunted fourth place trophy.

3/10 for explanation. No real content, just butthurt. Would not read again.

THIS IS A SPORTS BLOG. Go kindly fuck yourself.

Sorry Chief, Yasiel Puig is one of the better players in the MLB. Tim Tebow is a conservative Christian who got lost on his way to the public speaking circuit and found himself on a football field.


how was it not a mystery again? a "omg FOOLLLLEEEDDD YOOOUUUU!" twist out of nowhere at the end is not required to be a mystery. the killer's identity was a mystery to the characters until the last 25 minutes of the show, and to the audience until episode 7 of 8.

Apologies, my comment wasn't clear since I used the word 'reinstall' erroneously...I uninstalled the beta version and installed the version you linked to. Everything seems to be working so far. Thanks again!

How can you say that? Everything he does, he does for YOU.

Are you guys serious? This trutherism is're trying to get my goat, right?

Damn, that joke sucked.

I attend a tiny college with NO athletics department, and many students here write at or below that level. This is not a college sports issue, this is a problem that pervades our entire educational system.

good. i prefer the book anyway.

I was going to give people the benefit of the doubt and say mayyyyyyyybe this flew over their heads but then that dude responded to you like 50 times with the same shit and I lost it. Well played.

There are over 500 Federally Recognized Tribes in the US. There really isn't just one "Native American Culture," and while this might be true with some tribes, it isn't true for all :)

Burning coolant has a very strong, distinct smell. If you're leaking coolant you will know as soon as you engine warms up. There's also this thing called a temperature gauge that you should keep a loose eye on while driving.

It's pretty rare for the coolant not to hit the hot engine if it's leaking. And then it has a very distinct smell.

If it were leaking that quickly, you would smell it. Or at least I did when our radiator started leaking. And I'm not really that knowledgeable with cars.

15K miles per year and there you go.

I don't find Google's actions remotely strange. It's a complete non-issue.