
Please point me to to all the co-ed locker rooms at various Gyms and athletic complexes.

Jesus...good to see Wario found work again.

I'm an alcoholic if I drink two beers after work. I am also an alcoholic if I don't drink anything when I get home from work.

Stick to Life, assholes.


Won't be a big deal at first, but when AT&T starts raising data costs and/or lowering limits, they'll be all but banning whatever services they don't like. Very bad precedent.

Sounds like exactly what net neutrality is supposed to be preventing - preferential content access based on the provider paying a fee to the carrier. Would hugely stifle innovation and competition and be consumer-unfriendly in the long run. I don't see why cellular should be exempt from the rules, but govt bodies

You sound like a hoot

I do not like anything that sets a precedent for the preferential delivery of data.

As a non-American I never understood this. Everyone has a mandated minimum wage except the people that serve you food - the thing that you need to live and can get ill by having it served improperly. Government refuses to protect these workers, and so the customers (not the restaurants - they pay their staff as little

"I'd fuck her. I'd fuck her right in the pussy." It is not real.

Agreed. I'm a Bears fan so I fucking hate the Packers. But I live in the Bay Area so I fucking hate the Niners too. Stadium fire was the only desirable outcome for me today. That said, the refs completely fucked the Niners. All day long & six ways to next Sunday. Horrific fucking officiating.

No, it's just bad weather.

Holy shit, Harbaugh threw the largest challenge flag I've ever seen on that play

This article is kind of stupid and far longer than it needs to be. Like your sideburns.

I wish I was out for a run instead of reading this (and I use the term loosely) article.

He puts his pants on just like the rest of us....eventually.

Yeah, okay... Let's all just ignore Adam Vinatieri's fashion-forward sweater/towel combo.

Best touchdown in New York in weeks.

"I'm not a bigot! I'm not bi-anything! That's fucking disgusting!"