
Your entire comment is about building up attention for business ideas that just happen to be about exercise. Your response to the commenter is really condescending and is not likely to draw any positive attention to your business. It is also illogical, since you both admit then deny the relevance of mentioning the

Typical EPL bias, Kyle. Barca's been doing it for years.

It looks like he was shoved from behind by someone in a black jacket.

Growing up in Illinois, Indiana blows.

We get it. People didn't have shit to do in Indiana besides watch subpar high school basketball.

Hi, Half-Chinese guy here. I don't find it this joke particularly funny and the fact that I went through grade school, jr. high and high school being called dog eater, chink, slant eye doesn't make me suddenly say to myself, "Hey man! You should lighten the F'up about it. Move on and just take it on the chin."

I stopped reading considering you got the first five words wrong.

You realize you're defending a racist pun, right?

As someone who has actually suffered mental illness and made suicide attempts...

Tiny Tim needs to get the fuck over it already.

Item #12 is a Bob Sanders jersey.

Luckily for Kendrick, his employers don't understand the concept of amnesty, either.

The actual sequence of events starts with an out of town paper quoting a "league source," moves on to Bernstein intimating that there's something wrong with an injured player depositing his paychecks, and ends with you suggesting that Rose is the dumb one here.

Puget: They should spend for one star, thereby putting fans in the seats. Combine that with a slight uptick in ticket and concession pricing, and perchance next off-season we could add some more free agents, thus trending towards success within the two to three year window of Mr. Cano's athletic prime.

Which works if you live in NYC. If you live elsewhere a car might be necessary (or a requirement if you live in a rural area or a city with poor public transportation).

Is it cold where you are right now? If it is, please go outside and sit down, contemplate what exactly happened in your life that made you such a joyless prick, and then wait until you freeze to death.

I expected Raysism to be a little older

Quick reminder, the vast majority of patients with a mental disorder severe enough to include hearing voices (schizophrenia, severe mania, schizoaffective, etc) will never hurt themselves or anyone else.

Not sarcastic at all, you seem brilliant and I'm sold on whatever you're selling. You're probably a great kisser, too.