
Report: Jameis Winston Case Began When Woman Stopped Cooperating

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Hello! Thank you for your interest in this matter. There is a very specific course of action suggested to address this issue beguiling the NBA and its star players. Please follow these directions closely.

Not surprising that the letter didn't reach its intended recipient.

Somalia had his doubters; he had something to prove. He was hungrier than his opponents.

"Hey, man, even if it did cost us the win, it's still cheaper than a trip to Chuck E. Cheese."

Hi, Mr. Sexeter

"I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend."

Expecting to get paid for just a few seconds? She's got a terrible twerk ethic.

Honestly, what really is to dislike (other than the rape, cover up of said rape, negligent death of a student volunteer, false bravado, history of NCAA violations and misplaced moral superiority)?

"Oh, sure, all this talk about Griffey's Instagram, while nobody takes the time to refresh my tumblr."

Shocking no one, Picard was named captain.

[Incognito has child]

As with anything involving Brandon Jennings and J.R. Smith, less than 40% of the shots actually connected.

Andrea Bargnani thought about jumping to help J.R. Smith's defense, but ended up just watching.

Fellas, fellas, I've been to both Gainesville and Tallahassee and let's just agree that they're both cowtowns that most people who aren't college undergrads are glad they don't live in.

I think now the only really tricky part of gaming on Linux is finding the right graphics drivers to get the best performance on your system.

If you're tired, feel free to wander off.

Good on you. I've met many more people that were living at home after college, just continuing their college slacker life than I've met that were actively trying to build a nest egg and avoid debt, though.

No more stigma than your screen name...