More like Hemaglobin Trotters, amirite?
More like Hemaglobin Trotters, amirite?
For all intensive purposes, the imagery is the same.
Please, no Schiano-man jokes or I will murder your families.
Turner Field's age—just 16 years old!
That's what it used to look like when I'd switch to the wrong player on defense in NBA 2K.
Meanwhile, the other Jonathan Martin is getting a bunch of Tweets from ignoramuses threatening to "kern the fuck out of his fucking typeface"....
More like Cutest Traumatic Encephalopathy
These upgrades are functional ones, such as replacing worn-out seats or upgrading the stadium's lighting, and they would do little to significantly enhance the fan experience.
I know this is not exactly an apples to apples comparison, but this never would have happened at Chelsea.
Those Beavers really can take a pounding.
Too bad postseason success doesn't exist in a vacuum.
OK, wait—there's a Ravens player doing "Ooh Kill 'Em" who isn't retired?
Good thing, too, otherwise I don't think they could have carried that 51-28 momentum into the second half.
Putting the Busquets in the Basket since 1931
Actually, there is:
"Fuck that guy. I know a push-up when I see one."
Part of the reason his percentage is so low is because Andros takes a lot of shots outside of the box. It's not particularly efficient, but Andros has never been afraid of a gamble.
All men have huge hands and all women have small hands, because biotruths.
It's nice that Marshall is paying lip service to the issue, but he's blatantly ignoring the most dangerous locker room culture in the league: Tampa Bay's.