I agree we need to fight to keep our underpaid 3rd world slaves I mean who’s gonna scrape the $60 dinner of my plate and who’s going to do my nails for $15?
I agree we need to fight to keep our underpaid 3rd world slaves I mean who’s gonna scrape the $60 dinner of my plate and who’s going to do my nails for $15?
Yes! Thank God for the savior white male jerry brown!
Please don’t point out affirmative action hires that help white men. remember men rule the world and women need help to gain parity in education and income.
I wonder if abedin is hillarys sex slave
Those of you feminists that can’t believe people are blaming abedin. it was her husbands fault. there a lot of really skeezy politicians from sexting to hooker addictions. elliot spitzer, Bill clinton, weiner. contrary to feminist theory women have all the power in deciding whose genes continue onto to the next…
Feminists always wonder why they get pump and dumped for their whole lives hit 32 and get ignored until they die. this is why. your theory is the theory of death
Identity politics including race and age are the real underlying problem here. you idiots on jezebel all learned this marxist Bullshit from universities infested with Russian psyops ideological dead end. for all the Russian hacking complaints you forgot they hacked all your minds. and you’ll never be in power again.…
He’s the real life Christian grey. just goes to show you only ugly guys are rapists.
Jezebel kinja feature request:
Why are there so many feminist lawyers?
Your logic is like what a 7 year old uses. have you done it? no well then shut up
If I say I’m a journalist will I get out of the greys too?
Thank God you lit majors are only in charge of nothing. imagine if you wrote man code for airplanes or something.
People lied to pollsters. when we shame people for there views we can’t be surprised when they don’t tell the truth. I think we should make voting open and public so we can see what our neighbors or even who our husbands really voted for. and so the shame of electing a racist homophobe will ruin their lives forever.…
Oh you can’t be judgemental you’re going back to the greys you troll. without 4th wave feminism and identity politics where would those poor Midwest unemployed voters be right now?
So in the spirit of stopping the left from shrinking further. and with the layoffs today at your parent company. I wonder maybe the divisive tactic of silencing opposition and cow tailing to the feels of a tiny shrinking and ever loader minority is probably being reconsidered as a failed strategy to inclusiveness. I…
It’s like your starting to realize identity politics is a dead end philososphy.
It’s strange like it’s a virtue signal to other white women how much you cried after Hillary lost. but isn’t crying an emotional reaction doesn’t hat mean our were emotionally invested in your candidate. shouldn’t you be choosing the next leader of the free world with logic rather than emotion? isn’t emotion rather…
Feminist tears is not funny. male tears now that is funny. remember always punch up so black people make fun of white women. and everyone make fun of white males.