You are doing gods work keep the unclean masses grey we must not let them puncture our jezebel blue wall
You are doing gods work keep the unclean masses grey we must not let them puncture our jezebel blue wall
Yeah he’s tired after the election weird how many times he passed out had to get carried into a van.
All the beta males just do what there feminist overlords tell them. but there are many men who secretly voted for Trump and smile and fuck your sad liberal pussies.
All white women stop electing trump. stop supporting PP they kill 3 black babies for every one born. black population is plummeting from your liberal policies it’s down to 11%.
By education she didn’t mean the kind you find on the Internet she means the kind your taught in college. ya know indoctrinated or not is what she meant.
I think whoever yells loudest should get the most votes
Yeah keep fighting the good i.html working for giant multi national conglomerates that impoverish the world. totally but ya know justice and pant suits and stuff.
Fear is good it signifies progress. all libs need to reevaluate a lot. the echo chamber the non inclusive bubble needs to be opened. ideas need to trump ideology. fear and uncomfortableNess is how we grow as people. you must leave your comfort zone to grow as a person. it’s time to dig deep and open up your mind to…
Fear is good it signifies progress. all libs need to reevaluate a lot. the echo chamber the non inclusive bubble needs to be opened. ideas need to trump ideology. fear and uncomfortableNess is how we grow as people. you must leave your comfort zone to grow as a person. it’s time to dig deep and open up your mind to…
You made fun of male tears you said you drink them. well guess what now we’re drinking female lib tears and they sure are tasty. :) yum yum
I live in my mom’s basement so much poor and your obviously better than me. is this the elitist privilege that lost you the election? oh wait I keep forgetting your the oppressed I’m the privileged. right forgot sorry.
They work hard and pay taxes for you to blow on indoctrination degrees
Yeah more yelling and name calling been working great. you realise the more you act like an oppressed activist the smaller and smaller your circle will become. just look at his site it’s an echo chamber of back patting virtue signallers. if you don’t agree then your posts are grey. you really think that continuing to…
I don’t get it so unemployed poor people voting for more and better jobs are the privileged ones that voted for trump?
Why doesn’t libs calling people names change people’s minds? ughhh.
Why don’t we have a male and female version of the award?
Mayer layed off a guy that less than one year later invented a little app called snapchat that is now worth 3 times all of yahoo. Lol wonder what the woman who replaced him invented?