some dude

not to mention some states, you’re stuck with a lower speed limit when towing.

I think you mean deprecated  #vocabnazi

saw an ad for ups jobs recently that mentioned “deliver packages in your own vehicle!”

cases in point...complaining about a tesla being too fast. all the aneurysms over the italian police and the donor organ run... 

side note: last i heard, kamei does occasionally still do runs of their air dams for the classic beetles.  i can vouch it does make a difference in stability, even at some pretty ridiculous speeds (and yes, it was downhill).

did the same with a beetle in mud, on street tires. only got stuck once, when it was deep enough to beach on its belly.

is the WRX able to keep rolling with minimal effort because there isn’t much (if anything) directly competing with it now that the Evo has faded away to the pit lane in the sky?

I see a lot of pearl clutching in the comments, but I don't see any indication of whether the roads were closed for this or not. With the transport following a predictable (and probably planned) route, is it really a big deal to close the roads (or at least stop traffic) ahead for the transport to pass safely?

this is the same thing i was thinking of...

(clarification, since i can’t edit: big strides in their cars, from what they used to be)

Definitely as long as they don't get the dealer experiences up to par, that will be the anchor weighing them down. Kia has made big strides from what they used to be, but the stuff people that can't afford anything else will accept is not going to fly even with most average buyers, much less a move 'up' as Mazda and

COTD right there.

Here too. They only really use those regs if they want an excuse to pull you over to look for other things

i will second the take that they just bake more feel into their cars. had a rental 6 awhile back, and ran it a good bit north of SF on Hwy 1, and had a blast. could it have done with more power? sure, this was still the N/A 2.5 days. was it still fun? hell yes, just carry a little more speed into the corners, and it

i have to wonder if their dealer network is part of the problem, similar to kia (and to a lesser extent, hyundai); the dealers’ approach and practices don’t translate well with the moves upmarket.

They do call the chopper as a matter of course though, at least here.

indeed...there’s been some shining stars of actual investigative journalisim, so we know Jalopnik CAN do better... (this, for example)

mine’s practically the same spec, except cloth seats, and didn’t even come with a tape deck. i’ve been lucky on that coolant pipe, though my radiator decided to spring a leak last summer...i was already chasing a hot start problem, so i did that, the thermostat and the main coolant hoses at the same time, along with

still working on that travelling light thing, but this was at the coast...we left the truck parked by the hotel and took off on the bikes for a bit.

indeed, although some lower gears in the rearend, and not having that huge chasm between 3rd and 4th wouldn’t be a bad thing. my taller tires don’t help either. have you found the speed governor?