some dude

agreed on the Optima seats, having had a couple as rentals. one of those times involved spending 8ish hours on the road in a day, too. not the worst ever, but also not great.

never been pulled over on the (red) bike. being out late at night can be a big factor for getting pulled over, though. used to get pulled over regularly either in the bone stock white honda, or my noisy little truck.

What you do when you’re trying to actually have a steady income and a running business...rather than the PE “strip mine it and leave the husk to die” method.

I’d call Red Lobster a great (and fairly clear-cut)example. PE took over, sold off land under the restaurants to finance the buy, which forced the company to lease it back (the article notes, at above market rates).

Straight up...there should be no “chance”.

why do I suspect at least some of that number is private equity fuckery?

the same ones that built houses near Laguna Seca and complained about the noise?

Came looking for the Youabian Puma, was not disappointed.

It’s a tad more complicated in CA, where using the time/distance is considered a “speed trap”, and not allowed to be used for prosecution.

I want to say I saw recall notice #3 for my old’s still in the family and waiting on parts. It was an unholy pain in the ass for #1, and #2 I made sure they had parts in before dropping it off the second time (biggest problem with the first, dealer #1 didn’t actually order), and I stayed breathing down

yeah, the humidity was unexpected, though we may have missed some rain. we stopped in Tucson on the return run, and were greeted with a downpour.

Yeah, I’ve spent a little time in Texas and DC in the summer...a dry 95 is worlds better than 95 and 90% humidity. We also stopped in Phoenix one of those trips, and found 95 degrees and around 80% humidity when we got up at 4am to walk the dogs and pack for the next day of travel

got in my truck on sunday, NWS was reporting 108F in my area.

no disagreement that it SHOULD be better than that, especially for the price.

i may have misread, but i thought it mentioned that misalignment was AFTER having the dealer install an illuminated front emblem.

this. social media has brought a massive increase in the available quantity of contacts, with a related decline in quality.

seen similar on 210 (Los Angeles vicinity). Rolling to visit family after midnight, i was probably doing 85 in the #2 lane, and something loud (and possibly italian) went by me in the left lane like i was sitting still.

mentioning tesla gets eyes, regardless if it’s relevant to the topic/point.

Now playing

This. I remember Clarkson Hammond, and May discussing it on Top Gear from some years ago.