some dude

done VERY similar, 2 bikes, 4cyl 5 speed, except with a harbor freight trailer in place of the uhaul. the only place it just didn’t have the guts was coming up the cuesta grade (7%) near San Luis Obispo. 45mph in 3rd was all it would do.

i will second this. we’ve been running the cardo G4's for awhile, and while i don’t do a lot of talking on the bike, the only one that was even able to tell when i was talking while riding is my better half (who also rides). we also set the kiddo up with a q3 for when she’s along.

Earther subsection of gizmodo, maybe

or at least...back to what the pre-lawsuit roxor looked like.

not entirely defending it, but i suspect at least some of it is to make it more difficult for lawmakers to close the loopholes they’re using for some states that otherwise wouldn’t allow it.

uh...gotta disagree on walmart’s inventory handling. store inventory, maybe. online ordering vs inventory? not hardly.

Simplified, it’s pretty much product lines..type 1 is beetle/this, type 4 is mostly late bus.

Ghia has a bit more space to work with in the engine compartment over the type 1 too. There was one that ran in the “renn kafer cup” class at some of the shows...I want to say it was doing 10's in the quarter mile, and he finally moved to straight drag racing instead of the show/go class and went even faster. (Mike

More power is available reasonably easily, though it costs. Most, if not all, of the hop up stuff for beetles is equally applicable to ghias, and the significant displacement changes are possible (up to ~2.3L is doable in the type 1 blocks, up to 2.6 in type 4), with not a lot of weight to move.

Well, there’s a hellcat swap out there..

At least for $600, expectations are low. This, though..ND isn’t even’s full on CP. I don’t want to think what getting glass for this will cost...and actually finding other parts..

good catch. that other article shows this as $5500, probably the same ad. that said, the ad linked here is deleted by the author, and the “click here if it’s gone” isn’t a link. here’s the screenshot from the other article:

one more vote to DO IT. it’s not sporty, but it’s that perfect 90's japanese blend of simplicity and competence and reliability that it’ll last forever. if it were closer, i’d probably grab that and send our accord down the road.


the one in my super even still works sometimes...sometimes you have to wiggle it around for it to wake up though.

not the Mac, but i swear i saw my life flash before my eyes wrestling a mattress in the wind on the Bridge of the Gods...

i don’t know where “here” is, but there’s definitely a sizable contingent around my area that have been modified to sound like ass too.

counterpoint: the VQ in the Nissan Z cars and their infiniti siblings. yes, i know exhaust is a big part of that, but it’s not nails on a chalkboard.