
Around August I stopped being able to log into Kinja on my phone, which significantly decreased my commenting. Now I read articles on my phone, but by the time I’m back home and able to comment the discussion is basically over so I figure, “why bother?”

We have a Dexter too! Here he is being comforted by his sister Lily after coming home from the vet following a tooth extraction.

My boy Dexter believes HE is the most interesting cat in the world

...other people actually like spending time with their families?

You guys, Alfred (“Al”) Rava is my neighbor and is a fucking terrorist on Nextdoor. His favorite online pastimes are threatening to sue others who say a bad word against him, ACTUALLY’ing people, and responding to ads to clarify the terms of their policies. He is a nightmare human being.

Plaintiff “George St. George”

My little dimbulb deciding for the 97th time tonight, to scale the tree...

Whole I’m not known at all, I’ve pretty much migrated to twitter for stories like this. You may not get the insightful comments, but like 98% of us are in the greys here anyway. Jezebel is maybe a couple hundred people talking to each other while the rest of us watch from the grey sidelines.

I’m always glad to see you post. I’m glad you’re still here!

I’ll second your calling out The Root and Splinter. They are excellent and it’s no suprise that some commenters would gravitate towards them.

I’m grey here too, but I don’t play by other people’s rules either. I know it’s easier to point to all the problems because they need to be addressed, but I also know many great people here that’ll pull you out/ungrey your comments. I would never tell people to leave this place ... I just have a stronger preference

Ugh that’s shitty, I’m sorry.

I keep getting booted off, and have to log back in after every click, or if I migrate to another Kinja site, so right now, commenting is uphill both ways in snow. I can lurk without losing my login, so that’s about all I do anymore here.

I reread my comment. Let me clarify. I was attacked by someone on there. When I asked her for clarity she became unhinged. She has a group of friends that have told others to hush. Then when those people try to ask why/ask questions/amend their positions, they have been told that their thin skin is showing. Sorry, but

Drugstore, you are one of my favorite commenters (shout out to JujyMonkey, ShortPale&Adequate, jinni and Cheers Pink Ears! as well). And of course, I ❤️ your avatar pic to pieces. Thanks for coming back!

I had this issue. I had to update my iPad to get back on.

It has. It’s all of the things you stated. For me, it being permanent grey.

Yeah- I don’t even know whom to blow to get un-greyed around here. I’m no Oscar Wilde, and my jokes such as they are usually tend to the obvious, but I occasionally get a decent response, and I’m no troll. Also, I know the appropriate use of “whom” vs. “who.” So what’s not to un-grey?

I second the request for a cat photo. Here’s Fearless, just saying “oh hi!”.

No cat photo? Here’s my marmalade bb Masie.