Millennial Falcon

I’m gonna try this new thing where I don’t pass judgment until there’s a ruling or verdict.

My brothers and I played that for years and I’m not fully convinced any of us ever understood the rules. Great times.

In the words of D-0:

Yet Turner said she thinks most of this pushback has been overblown and manipulated.

I’m not sure “Experiments are dumb, stop testing things” is the right way to approach space.

On the other hand you can buy an Ercoupe for like $20k, and evidently avoid paying moneys? I guess? That... actually sounds kinda great.

Five spaces per vehicle doesn’t sound like nearly enough, on a city scale. I could be going to any of a hundred places, and so could everyone else in the city. If ten of us all need groceries at the same time, you’d need ten spaces — not one space which is available to each of us in turns over ten hours.

Bless the trailer and its water. Bless the coming and going of it. May its viewing cleanse the world. May it keep the world on the hook for its movie. 

So it’s not gonna come up, because I’m not leaking shit or shooting up buildings full of people or whatever, but it’s always weird to me what the government considers a “concern” with regards to search history. 

Counterpoint: if your job can be done by AI, are you really a journalist? Case in point, Buzzfeed.

Phase one: Plant peach tree

Forget DC, it is without a doubt among the best superhero films ever made. An all-timer. Inventive storytelling, FANTASTIC action sequences, great cast. SO MANY nerdy details. I’m in tears at the end. Everything you want from a superhero film & more

Editing your own works is not censorship. Conflating the two is a means to make people more comfortable with the latter. Y’all need to stop it.

I drove one of these, a 2004 (which I bought used in 2007). Couple notes!

“Somehow, the Youngling Slayer 9000 returned.”

It took eight episodes, but Mando and Grogu finally spent some time together on screen and it was great.

Fifth gear is a money laundering scheme

I, too, am old enough to remember the sunny pastures of two months ago, when Republicans were conspiratorial nutjobs for believing that a gas stove ban was even under consideration.

In desert climates and/or with poor soil, Russian Sage and Lavender are reliable winners. Crape Myrtle also does nicely and thrives on neglect and sunshine. If your zone can handle it, Desert Willow is a personal favorite -- it’s got a deep taproot so you can grow it near things and ignore it completely. I also like

On average, respondents said they spend anywhere from around $250 to $500 on weekly groceries but that $63 worth usually ends up getting thrown out.