
Sigghhh... that's the problem (one among many) with the marketing of these post-teen Disney dream kids—they either languish in direct to DVD hell, or get so aggressively I AM GROWN UP NOW that they lunge into projects they are simply not ready to handle, no matter how much of a 22 hour day sweatshop mentality was

Seriously. BRB gotta go play Fallout for 6 hours straight because I feel like it and then maybe take a nap.

RIGHT? I am not even a cat person and I would be prepared for this type of reaction. The title of this piece should be "People Who Apparently Have No Idea How Cats Even Work Somehow Have Seventeen Cats And Manage To Lose One On A Trip Because They Are Cat-Not-Understanding Fuckwits."

We do know that they were stupid enough to bring 17 cats to a hotel and then let one of them escape, instead of securing them properly when they had to leave the country.

Jeffrey and Shoshanna sound insufferable. Cotton found a way out, hoping for the life of a coddled only cat, rather than being one of 31. Be free, Cotton.

People are wishing AIDS on you for being friends with someone who was involved with a married man??? Seriously??? I guess that's an indication of how far we are from being able to discuss this issue calmly.

Wow, I can't believe some of the responses you're getting here. I'm sorry. I think we all know cheating is wrong and shitty, but seriously, would a good friend *leave* you because you were making a bad choice? Even a choice that friend really couldn't stand? I hope not. I've made mistakes, my friends have made

Thank you. This, I think, was my issue with the article. There's so much pressure on women to do relationships "right" and not break up, and certainly not break up for a "selfish" reason.

Jezebel gets that way all the time. People act like anyone who's ever done a shitty, inexcusable thing (cheating, sleeping with someone in a relationship, telling a racist/sexist/homophobic joke, driving drunk, etc.) should be written off, forever, as a shitty person on the grounds of that thing they did. I'm half

Also, I just want to say that I'm not sure how this is more morally wrong than anything else. It's not directed at you, but everyone else commenting on this thread. Are all of these people calling out their friends and folks as scum because they refuse to date a dude who's 5'2 or just brunettes? Or because they

My ex-husband met his future wife while he was still married to me; they had been involved with each other for months before I figured out what the fuck was going on. I still hesitate to to call them shitty people. Was what they did together-betraying two sets of spouses-shitty? Hell yes, but that doesn't

Thanks. He's definitely scum. Thank goodness she's not with him anymore. Ugh.

Absolutely agree. If people weren't pressured to value monogamous relationships over non-monogamous relationships or being single and having casual, nonexclusive things, there would be less cheating. But there would still be some garbage people who like to cheat because they like the power trip of having a partner

Oh rich people's Beanie Babies.. I can't wait until your market crashes.

yes we are defs on the verge of extinction

Our support of families sucks. But that doesn't mean that everyone has the same experience. Statistically what you are saying is absolutely correct, but I've been asked to move a doctors appointment to accommodate moving a meeting because someone forgot that another coworker had switched the day she volunteers at her

You know all those times that some people from Europe try to call out America as super racist, then pretend that their countries aren't too? Yeah fuck that.

I'm going to guess they were white Australians. Let's not excuse Australia's problematic history with race any more than we excuse America's.

Political correctness aside... if you weren't racist, wouldn't people telling you they don't like/are offended by something be enough for you to cut that shit out?