something (not so) witty


I was thinking about them earlier today. One of them was so traumatized by what he witnessed that he was weeping too much to give his statement. And yet, the judge is more concerned with the rapist’s future trauma than he is by THE VICTIM’S trauma or the witnesses’ trauma, or her friends and family . . . why is he the

A lot of defences of sexual assalaints rely on the notion that the boundary between sex and assault can be grainy and unclear. Yet, the way these guys describe it, a situation that is being described as ambiguous by the accused and his supporters was clear as day to two passersby. And, it would seem, that accused,

Exactly. How many similar cases have we seen where guys around FILMED IT and posted it on social media and never helped the victim? Plus the thousands of cases we don’t know of that happen every weekend.

It kills me that rape culture and a wider issue of misogyny not only leads to these events, but then prevents or hinders men like these bikers to appropriately express their feelings, too (i.e. “men don’t cry!). Sexism hurts everyone.

I have a friend who stopped a sexual assault, and he says it’s a difficult thing to for him to deal with (though far less difficult than for the actual victim, of course). While he knows he did the right thing and did the best he could, he just wishes so badly that he could have entered the room just a few minutes

I was once assaulted in public by a guy who lived on my street and was known as a speed junkie. To cut a long story short: he attacked me and took his penis out of his pants, and all the while, three guys were standing by, watching it go down. I was screaming for their help, but they just walked on when the traffic

But, but HIS life was ruined.

I feel so strongly for these men. In her letter she writes that one of them was so overcome with tears that he could hardly speak after he found her. It’s clear that they experienced a lot of heartache during this process themselves.

To be fair...if I ever had to lay low and change my name, I would definitely go with ‘Anastasia.’

I spit my water! PLOT TWIST!

Somewhere M. Night Shayamalamadingdong is crying because he didn’t think of it first.

And don’t forget to highlight that “peaches & cream complexion” in the portrait.

Dr. Kimberly Shaw, never forget:

My birthday is in May. Please make sure I’m a “pefect size 6" in the picture and that the lighting really captures my “golden blonde locks” and “Aquamarine eyes”

Yeah, and if they were “violently” fighting I can very easily see the driver inadvertently ramming the accelerator in the process. I am assuming there is more evidence that is not in the story, otherwise the murder charge just isn’t making sense.


I’m genuinely confused about the facts leading to the murder charge. Have you guys seen the road to Hana? It’s a motherfucking death trap.


Just wait until the dead sister comes back with a completely new face and identity!