Whenever I played KH3, every time they had a cut scene, I really wanted all the heroes to lose and Sora/Donald/Goofy to be destroyed forever
Whenever I played KH3, every time they had a cut scene, I really wanted all the heroes to lose and Sora/Donald/Goofy to be destroyed forever
I still haven’t even fucking touched 3 or managed to make my way through 3D or the KH3 prequel thing. I really need to get on that shit, maybe when i’m done getting plat on TRUCKIN with Norman Reedus.
Yea, for those who missed the trailer or didn’t find out the info, here’s what’s coming:
I thought Scala ad Caelum was going to be like World that Never Was, and planned to grind there so I could beat Xehanort at Level 99. Reason- he basically made Sora cry, and nobody makes my son him cry and gets away with it. I was a little disappointed to learn that it was, as you said, a glorified boss arena.
Don’t worry things don’t make sense to most people who play Kingdom Hearts either.
Seriously. And this DLC is bound to make things even more convoluted. Oy
Oh they can, it would always be better than a rushed release, this has NEVER been any good and it’s still quite surprising to see it happening so often.
Though in that case... I don’t even know where to begin, I enjoy a LOT of video games, even mediocre ones, but this...? I barely was able to play a few hours and I…
Same here! I finished the game and I was so pissed off with how they handled the story and complete lack of Final Fantasy characters that I’ve completely forgotten about the game.
I don’t play Kingdom Hearts so none of that made sense to me, but I assume if you know what’s going on that paragraph holds some interesting info!
This is weird as heck for them to delay the dlc a month on Xbox. I’m gunna assume it’s a timed deal... which sucks for me, as I’ll have to mute everything KH on social sites.
I mean, yeah... it was kind of that... I didn’t hate it or anything, but it definitely did not live up to a decade of building anticipation and expectations.
I managed to push this game out of my mind and heart after hurling it to my friends and deleted the save data.
The thing in the trailer that got me the most excited was that we’re getting to explore Scala ad Caelum, since it was such a beautiful area that just ended up being a glorified boss arena. I know the game had plenty of issues, but even just that, if done right, will do wonders for the game.
TOTALLY! Not to mention the actual functionality of breasts and the fact that women often get shamed for using them to feed their infants because TOO SEXY! Trust me when I say that plopping out my boob for my son felt completely unsexy. This book contributes to that in the long term.
How are they ‘promoting mutual respect and understanding’ by saying girls get tits to be attractive? That’s literally promoting the sexualization and objectification of women’s bodies.
He got famous for dating a girl who got famous for being related to a woman who got famous for blah blah blah. Fameception
“I knew she had a lotta potential and I knew—I felt like I was put in that position to kind of help her.”
“I knew she had a lotta potential and I knew—I felt like I was put in that position to kind of help her.”