something (not so) witty

“I was up in the middle of the night kind of worrying about him”

That is called Schizoaffective dissorder! Useless knowledge is useless until moments like this.

Sigh I don’t know why shitty, egomaniac behaviour can’t just be bc you’re a shitty egomaniac. He has consistently acted like a doofus, except that he had a couple good albums so we all just brushed it off.

My porn quota has refreshed so I’m going in!

Oh yeah, that was like first on the list. Then I showed them how much better I was.

Couldn’t finish? My ex could. Maybe that’s what was weird - wanting to know if he swallowed but also not wanting to ask.

Still, needs more butter.

I was going to say something about him being a nice elephant, but the story was so fresh the hashtag was still unposted.

Overheard at the scene,

It’s too bad that I’ve already reached my porn quota for today unless I’d def attempt a search.

Sebastian appreciates you.

I hate it when courting lobster people make you miss your connecting train!

He did. It was a reluctant admission and he was embarassed after he told me.

Someone on the subway used to try to court me this way but I didn’t understand.

So, Happy Valentine’s Day, you guys.

An ex admitted he used to suck his own dick when he was a flexible teenager.

A+++ trolling, Mary Lou Marzian. I like your style.

Now we’re talking! More suggestions:

Went through my first “ask-your-doctor-about” conversation yesterday and got no questions/judgments about why I wanted the prescription. So I 100 percent support this bill, although I’m two states away. It properly highlights the unfairness in how men and women can seek and are granted treatment/medication for their