Pete Zapardi's Pizza Party

Agreed. Anytime you mention it getting hot here, Arizonans materialize to say “100 isn’t hot! you haven’t experienced REAL heat until you’ve seen it be 110 for a week straight” or whatever, despite the fact that it fluctuates by literally 130 degrees over the course of a few months here.

Wheeled Office Chairs on a ship? Did these clowns not even have a single fuckling clue about ANYTHING?

What a nice historic loop it would be if Andretti could purchase it and keep it in Italy.  From Dad in the refugee camp to son as the CEO of an F1 team.

It’s almost like Elon Musk is a dumbass with the intellectual depth of a 9 year old and only knows about stainless steel because it’s what the DeLorean from Back To the Future was made out of and it would be le epic bacon if his meme truck was made out of the same thing. 

Foreign investors and even real estate investment groups should be banned from buying single-family homes. Period. It serves no purpose but to enrich far-away investors, further shrink impacted housing inventories, and make it even harder for real people to buy homes. I have seen a number of homes sold in my

I don’t blame people for falling for self-driving cars in 2023.

After watching the tiktoker/instagrammer’s video of the Boring Company exhibit and his sheer enthusiasm for something that doesn’t really have much functionality, all I could think of Kevin’s experience in Vietnam on the unveiling of the Vinfast VF8 and the expertly-written article (

That whole family and team that supports them is complete garbage.  

By the way, that large antenna on the decklid was a sight for sore eyes.

Headlights tell me all I need to know...

My neighbor Brent is doing a rotisserie restoration of a 1975 911 Turbo in his 2 car garage. Our HOA is so anal he has to work on it under the cover of night.

Get the stick out of your ass. It wasn’t completely serious. But she obviously wasn’t getting the care she needed, and now 6 people are dead because of it.

Maybe a big bill like that will convince her to slow down.

The TSA has been nothing more than security theater for their entire existence.

The GS is the closest thing we got to the Toyota Crown in the US (same platform).

I still defend the GS as the second best sedan Lexus ever made.

The particularly low landing was due to hot weather and the position of the airport. The runway is very short, leaving very little room for error or time to stop. Pilots have to get very low to maximize space for the jets to come to a safe stop”

This is the perfect car to meet girls.

Exactly. Along with convertibles from Audi, BMW and Volvo, these are the quintessential female midlife crisis, recently divorced, empty nester, hire a personal trainer and get back out there car.’s hard to figure out what made Russell embark on this brazen, fatal adventure.