Pete Zapardi's Pizza Party

A cop won’t bat an eye at a brodozer blasting Garth Brooks but I’m sure they’ll call for backup when they pull over a PoC playing “ethnic” music.

Even the reich wing can’t get their memes straight. He wasn’t in the official limo that day.

I have a soft spot in my heart for what the 4Runner represents, but I don’t get the appeal of the 2wd version is all. I guess the product planners at Toyota are smarter than me.

Yes but then you’d have a house in Pittsburgh.

Funny how the most generically “alpha” peacockers are the biggest whining crybabies.

Mazepin talks as he races: There's a ton of spin and then in the end he misses the point.

The average driver should never have over a thousand horsepower available to them. They can barely handle remembering to use their turn signals.

I require my speedometer to be in Budweisers per Freedom Eagle. ND

Nissan Altima. This is the introduction of the bad-credit Nissan driver that you now see weaving through traffic with the bald donut spare on the front wheel.

This sounds like the perfect car for you if your idea of fun is going to car meets and spending the whole time arguing that your car IS a legitimate Grand National, and not just a Lesabre with Grand National badges. If your dream car doesn’t involve a life time of “Well, akshully…” with strangers, then look elsewhere.

Is there a single one w/o a MAGA or punisher decal on it?

Funny thing is the demise of this car will not be by consumers but by Toyota dealerships. With shortages this thing will be a six figure car at some dealerships pushing the envelope and normal dealers asking $10k over sticker. Every cool car made in the last 6-7 years has had some sort of dealer markup with it being

Could I use it for cargo? will it pass through customs like a diplomatic pouch ?

I love the implication here that a car company from Vietnam wouldn’t have the wherewithal to develop a car for such a dramatically different climate as ... North Carolina.

Also never stayed in a hotel by himself. Jalopnik must issue security blankets to their new staff when they hit the road.

Lol, Andy, youve never flown alone or been west of Pittsburgh? Are you 12?

Kathryn Janeway (a baby green cheek conure) is also joining us today whenever she finishes stretching.

Since no one else is brave enough to say it, I will. Bullitt. That movie was miserably boring. It’s 2 hours of a car handling badly around San Francisco.

First, the article makes it seem like Porsche is out to redo the 996. They arent. This was a 1 of 1 commission by pca. That’s it. The only 996s getting crazy have been 4S and turbos. If you look at the auction trend on BaT, you’ll see it hasn’t gotten too crazy. (Yet)