Pete Zapardi's Pizza Party

Just seeing the interior of this thing gives me flashbacks to my days in the car stereo business. I worked on SOOOOO many Blazers, Jimmys, S10s, etc. of this era. It seemed that anyone who bought one of these turds had to put a couple of 15" subwoofers in the back and a garbage head unit with flashy LEDs. We used to

Yeah, I was on the fence until I saw the dice valve stem caps. That’s 100% pure class. NP all day. 

Good god I love the Enzo in black.

A well crafted Brut IPA is fantastic. Unfortunately there aren’t enough of them out just yet. A local brewery here in Portland (Great Notion) did a Brut IPA last year that was amazing. It remains one of the best beers I’ve had. Unfortunately, most places around here are still pumping out hazys, and in my opinion, 90%

A Corvette that I don’t hate.

I’ve noticed the increase in the last few years as well. I can see I5 from here, and there are days when the northbound traffic is backed up to the Terwilliger curves by 2:00 in the afternoon. Fortunately for me, I work from home, and the only commute I generally have to make is to the airport or occasionally downtown

I hear you, and so do a lot of others... which is why I5 and 205 are packed solid with traffic in the morning with people commuting in from Vancouver and points north. I choose to live in a small-ish place in the city rather than spend half of my life sitting in traffic just so I can have a big house with a yard in

This is a thing here in Portland too, and for many of the same reasons - low supply/high demand for affordable housing. To my knowledge however, nobody has made a business out of being a mobile slumlord. At least not yet. Maybe I’ll round up some roached out minivans and start a mobile homeless village.

This guy is living my dream. I used to have a side gig detailing cars when I was in my early 20's. I worked mostly with my buddy’s rich dad and his equally rich friends detailing their 911s and Benzes and BMWs, sometimes for German car concourse events that were put on by our local BMW dealership. It was the most fun

I guess that’s one way to get out of tipping the guys at the car wash. 

I know exactly how automatic transmissions work...

Mustangs and Vettel are somewhat similar in that they both like to run into shit.

I have no idea what these things are going for these days, but I have a huge soft spot for Hondas of this era, and the Prelude is one of my favorites. So, NP. 

Looks like the Broadway Bridge in Portland...

This dude is a visionary. He’s really just taking the ever-escalating OEM wheel size arms race to its logical conclusion.

This thing will obviously never make it to production, but I hope that some of this design language makes its way into production Bentleys. It looks ridiculous, but in the most spectacular way possible. The top view and the side and rear 3/4 view are stunning. I love it.

It seemed like IRROPS was basically SOP with United, especially at ORD on a Monday morning. When things were running well, it was fine, but it seemed like more often than not, things were not running well.

The interior does look like a pretty blatant Pagani ripoff, but the exterior.... eh.... I see SCG’s point, but I also see some familial similarities between the P72 and its predecessors.

Yeah, I was in the same boat. Much like ORD itself, United is kind of a necessary evil when you’re based out of the Chicago area. That said, I liked United better than American or Delta, but it could have been down to the fact that I was familiar with the ways that United would try to fuck me over, whereas American in

Seriously y’all... I travel for a living, and I’ve seen so, so much worse than this. Whether you like her outfit or not, she at least looks like she gives a shit. Try visiting an airport sometime and look at all the 20-something girls standing in line at the Starbucks who look like they just rolled out of bed and went