
The people who criticize him for this decision are also the same people that can’t add if the sum is greater than 10, due to a lack of additional fingers.

the main difference between private sector and public sector unions:

As a union member, it’s very frustrating to see him talk about how cozy he is/was with Obama and Hillary.

Amen. That it started calling The Killing Joke “beloved” let me know I was in for a shit show.

There’s no point in arguing specifics considering how wildly individual tastes are going to vary, but this is a gotdamn terrible list.

I scanned the article and almost commented “Where is the Keri Russel Wonder Woman?” but then saw the text. It’s the #4 list on the film and makes a point about how under-appreciated WW is, and then uses the wrong picture. Ironic.

I appreciate that you asked about the public pension liability bomb, but it’s disappointing that you did not press him on the issue. His response is essentially, “well, we negotiated outrageously generous pensions based on magic investment numbers that no human being could think realistic, but it’s the politicians’

More Tom Cavanagh is never a bad thing. The idea of giving him a new character every season was some kind of genius.

Yup. I’m more interested in which version of Harrison Wells is going to be played by Tom Cavanagh.

I agree. I thought his angry character felt like it was going somewhere, and then the anger faded away into his being just a mite grouchy, and since The Flash has more lead characters than the writers can handle now, I can see why he’d want to move on to more challenging gigs.

I actually might watch that take on Terminator. lol

I became suspicious when no women appeared to be harmed.

RE: Spawn

Entertainment Weekly reports that Tom Felton will not be returning as a series regular for the show’s fourth season, and has actually yet to book a return to the show at all.

The Cowboys should just leave this whole Whitehead thing alone. Given enough time, they will either go away or pop off. Either way the Cowboys would be in the clear, ready to face the press.

The fact that he was falsely accused of a crime is just further proof that Whitehead isn’t Cowboys material.

The dark chocolate ones? I have one like five nights a week for dessert...they’re glorious.

Unless your burgers are 1 lb each, that’s a hockey puck at 20 minutes.

Worst city nickname locals never use HAS to be “Frisco” for San Francisco. It’s only SLIGHTLY less annoying that it’s “the City” to locals (like somehow being 8-square miles built on a trash dump is superior enough to be “THE City” but whatever).
Also, correct take on chocolate and peanut-butter. I can’t get my wife