
Counterpoint: Drake roots for the Raptors, and therefore, it is imperative that we root against them.

I can’t tell if you’re yanking my chain or being serious...either way, holy shit.

Where’s the lie?

I’m definitely not a Blues fan, but it was definitely “better them than Boston.”

Serious question: why in the hell would someone want to assassinate David Ortiz? Has he been rumored to have been involved in shady shit? Or, on the other end of the spectrum, is he some uber do-gooder back in the Dominican Republic that shady types would like to do away with?

I first read your comment as “rapid bursts of flame followed by long periods of no movement” and honestly, that’s also a gif I’d like to see.

And while native advertising and natural integration aren’t the same thing, they’re related enough that they could only get married in Alabama.

This is a feature, not a bug.

Perusing comments and actually snorted when I read this one. Here’s a star for you, sir or ma’am.

To everyone who pointed out my mistake: THANK YOU

Kerr walking back his comments and deferring to Bob Myers is an interesting look.  I’ve never thought of Kerr as being maliciously disingenuous--and I’m not say that’s what’s happening here--but going from “damn right we’d do it again because we didn’t think this would happen” to “uh, you’re going to have to speak to

I’d listen to that podcast.

No idea. A few other comments have suggested that he’s pulled shit like this before on GLOW (a TV show about women’s wrestling), but I don’t know enough about the guy to know what his deal is.

McHenry’s type? Absolutely not. This man has far more melanin than Britt McHenry could comfortably stomach.

Both of my kids play youth soccer at a local club/facility, and they enjoy it (for the most part). Neither of them are ever going to be pros, or probably ever even play HS ball. But for now they’re having fun.

I, too, would like to claim some measure of responsibility, because of posts I made where I very clearly said Kevin Durant would *not* be coming back for this series. It is clear to me, now, that Durant read these posts, took them as a challenge to his manhood, and decided to the only way to prove me (and only me)

Apple’s spellchecker (on MacOs) and autocorrect (on iOs) are ducking trash.

I’m not saying their chances are 0%, but coming back from 3-1 is going to be tough, even if he’s 100% healthy.

I’m not saying that’s ME saying that--but you know there will be people who will clown him if the comes back and plays and they still don’t pull out the series.