
I’ve come to Deadspin for a lot of different things over the years—Magary’s WYTS series, Burneko’s recipes and Wizards stories, and pretty much anything Roth, McKenna, and Thompson write, just to name a few—but I’m not sure there’s anything that has given me as much joy over the years as the LOLMETS tag.


Taco Pope always sounded to me like less of a name, and more of an honorific.


I watched him do live standup once. He was pretty funny. The “Wawa” routine made me laugh.

This is such bullshit. Storm MOTHERFUCKING Duck was the superior name in this bracket, and the ONLY reason it lost to Pontiff Tosser was because of reactionary shitheads who just HAD to vote against it because they felt it was too popular. Storm MOTHERFUCKING Duck should have beaten Cardinal Lobber, and would have


At this point, I really wish they’d just be honest about what they really mean. Just fucking come out and say it. It’s not “politics” they want to avoid; it’s quite literally *anything* that might hurt the feelings of conservative white men.

Funny, I thought STDs were more of a problem in retirement communities...

Even a German in Tokyo knows it’s best to distance oneself from claiming the Orioles.

Yeah, I’m not sure there’s an argument to be made here. It’s this year, hands down, if for no other reason the Paul being back AND Durant being out for the back half of the series. 

Y’know, if hitters are sick of pitchers showing them up like this they should just hit more home runs off them. 

Hot take: Harden isn’t really as good as we all think he is, and that game was proof. 

EDIT: goddamnit, someone beat me to the joke. 

Why do we need to go insulting poor Wilhuf?

jeans, a navy blazer, leather braided belt, and shitty loafers screaming into a Blackberry to Brad

deleted, oops!


As a heathen, I will admit I’m not terribly familiar with the Bible, and I’m not familiar AT ALL with the section of the Bible that specifically throws shade at interracial dating—but I’ve also went looking for it and could not find out.

I saw your comment this morning, so after I dropped my kids off at school, I swung by the dealership (I drive right past it) to see if I could snap a photo.