
It’s good to see Delonte West getting some work as an official in the league.

GOD DAMN YOU, SIR. Your rational response is discoloring my vision of Phillies fans as a collective fanbase.

I think most Nats fans aren’t butt-hurt over Harper leaving the team, for more money...I think it’s because he went to Philly. That’s how I feel, anyway.

I know, and its sad, but I just could not discount the possibility that the Wizards had found a way to fuck up April Fool’s Day. 

Me when I saw the tweet:

There’s no name in this region that jumps out at me like Storm Duck. That said, Voltaire Casino is a good one, and I cannot believe it’s losing. That just screams “hi I’m a gambler from Archie Comics.”

Truman Peyote *absolutely* is a Kinja name, because it commented on this post yesterday.  Now, whether it was created in response to this bracket or pre-existed, I do not know.

A scandal involving books. Look, we don’t play in Maryland—we take things literally. I mean, take a look at this sign:

Bingo! Like I said in another thread--it’s the name you’d expect for the next GTA protagonist. 

Storm Duck fans, the Internet loves us this day!

Storm Duck 2020

Ionoshpere Torres has that “Rocky and Bulwinkle”-esque quality to it, like she’s definitely a Russian spy, but we’re supposed to think she’s not...because she says she’s not.

An underseeding most fowl.

The Constitution guarantees your right to be wrong.


I don’t know...I like the name Truman Peyote, but it almost sounds like the protagonist for the next GTA game.

I cannot explain why I feel this way, but Storm Duck is the most awesome fucking name in this region.

-1 armed man

As a Terps fan, yesterday, I was torn: root for a program I have hated for most of my life, or root for a program that is an affront to me, morally, and oh—has also bounced the Terps out of the tournament a few times in the last 20 years!

I loathe Duke, and Zion is the first Duke player I’ve been able to root for since Grant Hill. Watching Zion play ball this year has really been something...