
This could be just be observation bias, but Ovi is playing like he has something to prove this year. I thought maybe he’d take his foot off the gas after getting the Cup and getting that particularly monkey off his back, but he seems to be screaming “FULL SPEED AHEAD VASILY!” as he plows straight through the ice.

Real question: do we really think Ben is still gonna be the QB come 2020? I think if they suck next year (and they probably will see some decline, particularly if they lose Brown), I think maybe Ben says “screw it, I’m hanging it up.” I mean, he’s made those noises already, a few times, in recent years...

There’s the kicker— if they’re going to be more than just PPVs a few times each year, they have to get a deal that puts them on either broadcast TV (unlikely) or something close to basic cable. If this is going to run, on, say...Destination America?...the odds don’t look all that great for success.

Dead Spin

I think that’s a mule, not a horse.

You are correct—and as a result of that, he was *serious* competition for WWF for a not-insignificant period of time. In fact, WCW was/is the ONLY promotion that has ever posed a serious threat to Vince.

You really do hear this more and more.

Hearing Marchman both take issue with the “ham is trash” take AND acknowledge that he has had food takes in the past that could be considered “out there” was definitely one of the highlights this week. That elicited real laughter from me.

Goddamn.  Take the star.

Isn’t that kind of a money thing, though? I mean, WWE has deep pockets, which gets them tons of airtime and the premiere names, which in turn gets then more money via ad sales during broadcasts.

That car still has more horsepower than the ‘91 Hyundai Excel I had in High School.


My wife and I have our accounts linked to our Echo Dot, so when we tell Alexa to add “x” to my grocery list, it appears in the app on our phones.

Ah. Gotcha.  Thank you, man of 1,004 answers!

People say that about the square-comms dish Falcon all the time. I get it, the round-dish Falcon is the OG of the OT, but I feel that—much like the square-headlight Wranglers—there’s a place in our collective hearts the square-dish Falcon.

You really do hear it, more and more.

If we’re talking about smugglers crossing the desert in unbelievable vehicles, I’m pretty sure he’s referring to this:

Question re: BtVS—

Y’know, I saw that, and one of my friends beat me down that there was NO WAY that was BRB.