The MAGAs have no problem with Doublethink. Whether Oceana is at war with Eurasia or Eastasia makes no difference to them because they rewrite history on an hourly basis.
The MAGAs have no problem with Doublethink. Whether Oceana is at war with Eurasia or Eastasia makes no difference to them because they rewrite history on an hourly basis.
Agree with all of that, but gutting the FAA purely for political reasons will definitely not make anything better and can instead lead to even more horrific accidents and work and supervision is missed and safety measure slip through the cracks.
The whole privatization theory of previously governmental controlled areas has proven over and over to leave said areas in a worse state.
Maybe they should privatize the police for through a company named Omni Consumer Products which could develop an robotic AI that will defend their autonomous cars. If that doesn’t work they could always come up with some kind of human/robot hybrid to keep the city safe.
If you aren’t being purposefully disingenuous, then I assume you also want an end to the billion$ in subsidies to the oil&gas industry that make ICE vehicles a cheaper option currently.
God, that reminds me. When everything really started to take off my CEO tasked me and a bunch of people at my company to do a deep dive into our supply chains. Our costs were spiraling way out of control, and we couldn’t price check the market fast enough to keep up. We wanted to figure out how much was just a cash…
And a war breaking out in Eastern Europe.
Dolly Parton is a goddamned national treasure.
Is the famous “southern hospitality” I hear so much about?
I believe that it's possible to hold both these examples as bad at the same time. We don't need to 'both sides' this.
The biggest problem with that is the people who wanted this are too stupid to know why things are more expensive. They’ll be blaming Biden/Dems for the next 4 years for anything that goes wrong while praising Trump for anything that goes well in their life. Any real correlation or causation will be completely ignored.
Finally, something more cringey than Hermione/Draco shippers.
Nailed it. And this all plays into the untold story of the past century and a half. In the late 1800's we had the Gilded Age - an era that primarily benefitted the wealthy and is again becoming alarmingly similar to ours. Wealthy oligarchs consolidated their fortunes through monopolies and manipulated the markets and…
Came here to say exactly that. Either it’s a made up number, or they’re classing a lot of different support programs as DEI and a lot of trump voters are shortly going to be very surprised to discover that they’re considered a minority the government is wasting money on.
“ ‘... We don’t need the cars. We don’t need their lumber.’”
The laws of physics are an uncaring, inviolable pain the ass sometimes.
There was a 1940 Robert Heinlein short story based on the idea. “The Roads Must Roll”.
ironically the logic is flexible - disaster in blue state: “god is punishing them for being evil” disaster in red state: “liberals made this happen”