
2nd Gear: Didn’t we fight a civil war because of certain states’ traitorous attempt to secede over their immoral “state’s rights” to deprive people of their freedom? Ironic that those same states today want to exercise their states’ rights to worsen life for their citizens in various ways such as interfering with

Butbutubut someone underqualified may get a job they don’t deserve! Because without DEI, that *never* happens.

The party of “States should be allowed to regulate this” until states aren’t doing it the way they want them to.

Self-described Liberal Redneck opinion: I’m all for deleting the tax incentives for EV purchases, but ONLY if every single subsidy given to oil companies, field-corn farmers, and anything else related to ICEs is also deleted at the same time. You say taxpayers shouldn’t have to subsidize EV adoption? I say taxpayers

I hereby announce my candidacy for Congress, on the platform that my signature legislation will be the “Ban Stupid Puns In Bill Names Act” (BSPIBNA), which will prevent Congresspeople from naming their proposed laws in ways where the acronym or initialism forms a word. 

It’s almost as if these American politicians are receiving some kind of incentive, maybe even financial, from some entity or entities, possibly foreign, to dismantle any and all agencies and institutions that bolster America’s strengths and foster its advantages over the rest of the world. But that couldn’t be. I

Dear God: Please fuck over Ted Cruz and everyone who votes for him. Amen.

“President Trump suspects that remote workers play golf instead of doing their jobs”

Hey, I looked it up, and the year 1679 didn’t do anything to deserve this kind of abuse!

Every accusation is a confession

Why the fuck are Nazis and traitors in charge of my country? Trump should have been executed on January 7th, 2021.

First, it’s always humourous to see people like Trump and Musk, who are famously almost never in an office and constantly on social media, bitching about people working remotely!

I remember being this stupid in college, and embarrassed to admit it. But even in college I was more on the sidelines watching than actively destroying shit.

Waiting for the breathless essays about white culture and the lack of morals from broken family systems leading to this senseless violence and rioting. I’m sure that those will be coming any minute now from Fox, National Review, etc.

What the fuck is wrong with these people. Great job destroying your own city. Sports fans are clowns, change my mind.

Trump wants to get his hands on Canada’s valuable rare earth elements.”

I don’t know how any of this works, but I know for a fact that I can do it better.”

If they’re cars were bought after 2018 when Musk called a man risking his own life to save some kids a “pedo” then they are absolute fucking liars and just want to have their cake and eat it too.

Exactly this. I liken it to offering your neighbor a beer on a hot day. Even if you never really socialize with him it at least makes you look like a good guy. And then a few years from now when that tree falls on your mutual fence there’s immediate goodwill to fix the problem together, as opposed to immediately go

The cultural damage is the point. The cruelty is the point. The folks who are behind this are the same folks who fought civil rights, who fought the new deal, who thought that slavery was fine, who thought that the trail of tears was a fine idea and who probably thought the war for independence was a terrible idea.