
In all honesty, my touch gps for my bike (Edge 1050) is about as large as I want a touch-only display. I can use some of my fingers to steady the hand in relation to the screen. I can’t do that properly with my phone (when mounted), so anything larger, I want buttons and only a few large virtual “buttons” on screen

I’ll gladly be the youngest millennial boomer out there and say it sucks.

What an asshole take on this.

100mL is a nice round number for starters but from an old NYT article:

Yeah, I don’t foresee any safety issues with that particular “feature”. None at all.

Regaining contact at with the ground a speed that might not match wheel speed, to say nothing of what subtle shifts in car heading and wheel orientation with respect to direction of travel occur in the air...

My guess is that his apartment building has an underground garage and that’s where his car is parked. 

There’s not a chance in hell this guy is street parking. He’s got a garage spot for sure, and the garage is on the referenced street. 

You can say it til your face turns blue, but congestion pricing is not regressive.

Sure, but they don’t realize that.

Keep in mind that as a member of the military(Hero) he would have received a discount at Lowe’s for his bomb components as well as the usual ‘Thank you for your service’.

Shamsud-Din Jabbar

I had some foreign policy disagreements with him. That said, he was the most decent, honest, ethical, moral and law-abiding person to ever serve as the President of the United States. And, while perhaps not the best politician, he was definitely one of the most intelligent to have held that office. Reagan and the

I’m sure Amazon doesn’t even prepare their drivers for what they have to deal with, that would be openly admitting how shitty their work conditions are. It’s a bait-and-switch. Only the extremely desperate would take the job if they were honest.

I... don't have that issue? Then again I have enough self control to not blindly impulse-buy garbage off Amazon...

It has certainly damaged the institution of journalism and blurred the line between the news room and the Op/Ed pieces. Also undermined experts of every stripe, because one talking head can contain a wealth of actual, expert knowledge, but the 24-hour network format requires someone else to say “NUH UH!” And they both

We are not headed toward a UFP utopian society.

“I’m not a Trump fan but eggs are 20 cents more expensive so I’m going to vote for a fascist.” 

But they created the electorate they have through underfunding of our education system and constantly attacking any legitimate news or information that they don’t agree with.

This is yet another example of how the GOP functions: severely underfund the education system so everyone is too dumb to understand basic concepts like loans, combined with declaring anything they don’t agree with is a lie, so they can say literally whatever dumb thing they want and their idiot base will swallow it.