
Unfortunately when they all also lose their health care and disability payments and when they can’t afford to eat because import prices are too high and there are no immigrants left to pick what we produce, the half of Americans that decided to go MAGA don’t have the capacity for causal reasoning and self-reflection

Jackson killed thousands of Native Americans, and removed tens of thousands from their land.

Thing is, I’ll be fine no matter what. I’m a wealthy straight white man. I don’t have any real problems. I didn’t (and never have) voted for Democrats for myself. I do it for other people, because I believe that everyone should have the same rights and privileges as myself.


A promise from Mitch or any republican isn’t worth squat. I’m am pretty certain that this will be the term that republicans finally kill the filibuster. It’s inevitable that it will happen and it will be republicans that do it. Trump will probably force them to do it to ram through anything he wants.

So embarrassed and frightened to be surrounded by stupid racists that literally just voted for the end of American democracy. Trumpublican policies hurt most people. This is a fact. Their racism and misogyny are more important to them than hurting themselves.

Idiotic shit is how we get warning labels and disclaimers, no matter how little faith you have in common sense someone always finds a way to lower the bar further either intentionally or stupidly.

Wait, so Tesla is late delivering something and it’s not going to work like they said it would? NO WAY.

If you have to finance a super car, then you clearly can't afford to own it.

Equally baffling - a majority of Americans feel Trump would be better for the economy than Harris. Trump - the man without the most remedial knowledge of economics, let alone trade agreements. The one that wants to bully the Fed into lowering interest rates, guaranteed to frighten the markets and send inflation into

I’m mostly pleased it’s not a MAGA sign at this point. 

Tesla stock has much further to fall if the stock price is to align with reality. People forget just how much “future growth” is already priced into the stock; FSD, Tesla Roadster, 250k/year Cybertruck sales, Supercharging expansion, Tesla Semi, cheaper <$30k Model, Robotaxi, Optimus, etc. All of those have been

I agree that there’s a difficult line to draw on safety - a broken turn signal? well no one with a BMW uses one anyway, so just mail the fix-it ticket. A single broken brake light? not sure. 2 brake lights out? definitely a safety issue.

The no-wheels look is really dumb. It just makes it look like a vacuum cleaner. They should have gone for the white wheels of the Henry Dreyfuss designed Mercury locomotive.

Elon thinks everyone in the world will have 1-2 Optimus robots, as in literally, he said he plans to sell as many Optimuses as there are people in the world.

“His vision is lovely, but somebody has to actualize it,” said Ross Gerber, a Tesla shareholder and CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management. “For now, for the next 24 months, Tesla has to sell EVs. Why aren’t we focused on that?”

It’s scuzzy to say they’re doing something to help with an emergency and then not really offer much in the way of delivering. StarLink hardware is expensive and it will be next to impossible to deliver the hardware to the areas most impacted. Thanks for nothing.

Hey now, Elon didn’t get rich by giving things away for free.

He got rich because his daddy is rich and then used that money to slap his name on other peoples good ideas.

Yes - exactly. I’m kinda surprised there’s any outrage over this. His own statements that he was swerving “while putting on a seatbelt”, combined with his high BAL and his failure of the field sobriety test is pretty damning.