
Matt Gaetz would like a word..

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“We may never know precisely why Vance has a prejudice against childless women” JD Loveseat is a prime example of judge a man by the company he keeps.

Slideshows certainly are dumb. If only they were illegal.

Objective and fair, contrary to most political reporting, doesn’t mean that you have to somehow balance every negative with a positive. CR generally does have a rating system that allows for telling people to stay away from specific products. What makes it fair and objective is just the fact that the rating is based

I assume this is for the same kind of person who makes a bunker out of shipping containers and culvert in their backyard, the sort of freak so obsessed with the world’s problems and so in denial about their role in them that they honestly believe wrapping themselves in the trappings of militarism is the best way to

As someone who thinks the cops are douchy, out-of-control fuckwads most of the time... what the fuck is this bullshit article. She hit a cop car. She got a ticket. Seems pretty fucking straightforward to me. Don't wanna get a careless driving ticket? Don't run into someone else's car. And WTF is this "I don't think I

That puppet is horrifying.

Man who everyone is supposed to believe is a genius actually isn’t smart enough to refrain from public statements relating to whacking a public official. Like mentioning the word “bomb” in airport security and then being upset you are getting additional screening.

By more he means newer. And it will be beautiful because it was cheap when not by the sea and then it's expensive because the sea is there and all the people who were fleeing the sea need new homes. Really big stuff. 

Ms. Phenix broke multiple terms and conditions and signed a non-disclosure agreement.

This looks like a job for the A-Team. 

Folks are unwilling to talk to their neighbors in part because the kind of people who turn their yards into junk yards also tend to be the type of people who are heavily armed and fly gadsen flags.

The guy’s house was “hit by 20 bullets during a gunfight” earlier in the year. How is the house still operating as an AirBnB? What has to happen for the platform to delist the house? Why did the guy not file a civil suit over the shooting? How is the parking infraction his biggest concern? How could he possibly be the

And in response, TX and FL are authoring new “Big Trucks Only Kill People That Deserve It” laws that mandate taller grills with spikes on them.

I mean, I guess at this point we just need to assume everything is PE owned. They are rolling up dentist practices, bowling alleys, everything is fair game for “right-sizing” and “centralizing back office services.” Kill me. 

It’s a can’t lose bet that Republicans will use this as an appeal to their base, saying that their freedumb is being threatened. And that some of the more deranged members of that base will go out of their way to flatten more pedestrians and cyclist as a protest. If Trump is elected, he’ll try to kill the NHTSA, and,

On behalf of all of humanity, can we just fucking not do this?

I post all my videos to YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and they get decent amount of views,” Lamar MK tweeted. “I post those same videos to X and they barely get 100 views, it’s like zero reach.

The fuck is this timeline where nobodies complain about views and the term “shadowbanned” exists?

I’ll sign on to this argument but with the libertarian* caveat: Do whatever you want to yourself (slam/camber/roll cage/bumper stickers/etc), but don’t endanger me (Carolina squat). Others’ freedom to donk shouldn’t encroach upon my freedom to, uh, stay alive... Buuut, as others have stated, the dangerous stuff should