
I play video games daily. Thank god and Satan, I am not a gamer.

Most people don’t want wild colored shit in their living rooms. End of story.

“The Mandalorian and Grogu?” That’s the name?

Can we just come to grips at this point with the fact that “Grogu" is a terrible damn name, even by Star Wars standards?  It rolls off the tongue like something resembling acid reflux.  Like I can't even possibly conceive of what they were thinking with that, especially with a character that they obviously intended to

Yeah, it’s racist, sexist, transphobic and homophobic, but it’s also just plain awful

At least be intellectually consistent.”

Nobody’s under the illusion this package is mandatory, so pointing out that you don’t have to buy it is a straw man. The problem is that it exists at all, that CIG are even selling digital items at this price point in the first place.

So to buy the ‘everything’ pack, you first have to buy some of the ‘everything’ to get on the approved list of buyers?

Pretty much any of the ultra hard games. I’m in my 40's, so I grew up with a lot of NES and SNES games that were hard in comparison to modern counterparts, so it’s not that I can’t get through difficult games. The bigger issue for me is that at this point in my life I just don’t have the time to repeat the same boss

Wait, are you all suggesting that online popularity contests *aren’t* a good means of judging actual merit?


You do realize the fundamental flaw of this mindset, right? And it only becomes more flawed with each passing day.

Christ Zack, what an insufferable baby you are.


That is the price the expansion should be, no more. Cosmetic packages should be a completely separate thing not tied to the expansion.

People really shouldn't still or have had a problem with this. It's 10 bucks and the price had been 60 for a decade and a half. It was never going to stay flat. 

I found the game kind of meh. It had some interesting aspects that were mostly counterbalanced by boring and/or tedious elements. I get the “mixed” status on steam because that is right where I’d put it. I gave up about 25 hours in cause it just wasn’t holding my attention.

as an aside, I really don’t get this modern “hater” culture that’s grown.

Because it’s a single player game and over time people become done with them and move onto other stuff? And it also didn’t review as well as their previous games and less people are into it.

Not everything is a live service, it’s ok to be done with a game.


Don’t blame the developers, they are given limited time and money and manpower and told to spin straw into gold. What is shown here is a glorified “grey box” stage of development, and if this was a pre-alpha, it would seem like it had promise. Don’t blame the developers for being denied the ability to hire the right

I think this is the right take, even as someone who quite likes Starfield. It’s a good game, but it’s not an outstanding game, and GOTY really should be for the latter.