
I guess I just saw the 666 platinum as a discount/refund on the 1000 cost of the pass, not a “I can buy something with this” total. After all, if you’re willing to drop 1k on the pass, you’re already in the “willing to spend $” category, so you’ll probably spend more $ on plat later. If only for the next pass.

If you don’t have this pre-paid/deluxe ‘free’ Battlepass unlock, clicking that button takes you to a regular purchase options screen (buy basic pass, or super-deluxe version).  

Gamers “uproar” way too easily these days.

should be filed under “it’s not in the text, so figure it out yourself.”

Did this show have as wildly variable episode lengths as some of the other Marvel Disney+ shows? Because that seems like it could be a bit of a hurdle for getting these shows on regular networks...

The flip side is that some products will get bulkier, since a removable battery/compartment/access for it all take more space than these batteries that are practically molded into their cases or soldered onto circuit boards. Whether this is a problem or not will likely depend on the product & it’s form factors. (I’m

like Thexder.

Similarly to the Tidus/Yuna situation in FFX, a big part of what makes Vaan so minor & forgettable is that he isn’t the main character, either (Ashe and maybe Balthier are). He’s just even more of an outside observer character than Tidus is. 

Is actually-playable game streaming really that widely available? (or, more meaningfully, how many people have strong enough broadband to stream games decently but don’t have any hardware that they could play it locally)

That’s also because they mostly don’t sell individual cosmetics, they sell sets of 3-7 of them.

We see the disaster coming.

Saw him once during the betas, got splattered.  With my Rogue/Archer, currently lv62, I’ve seen him three times and killed him each time - but I didn’t run into him at the lower levels, so I was able to be skilled & geared up.

Grasp of Shadow is the only unique I’ve found so far.  Maybe I need to tweak my build to better support it, but at the moment it doesn’t seem to do a whole lot - every once in awhile, a shadow appears and does a single attack.  Ooh, ahh?

re: exclusives - When the PC version of Ratchet & Clank was announced, the Steam forum for it filled up with “Why did I even buy a Playstation, if everything’s coming to PC, /cry”

I’d be willing to bet there’s a similar block of people who only play <sports game> or <driving game>.

M+K, actually.  I use a controller for things like platformers & racing, but I can’t use one for FPS-style games.

I’m going to guess that my vision isn’t that great (the glasses are a hint :D).  Because I was fine playing CP2077 at low-30's fps Med/High settings. And didn’t notice a strong difference when my GPU upgrade pushed it to 60.  Similarly, I tried higher-than-60 with the new GPU in a couple games, and the only thing I

And any keyboard is fine! (Actually, that’s not true - I’m a massive keyboard snob for my ancient Apple A1048 keyboard that I got with an iMac aaaaaages ago. Actually hunted down some refurbished ones on eBay when a couple keys finally failed on my original last year. But it’s not some fancy uber keyboard, I just like

I’ve built two so far (2011, 2020) without any real problems. But I hated it both times, so damn stressful!  :D