
Eh, as a “PC gamer” for quite awhile (built my first one in 2011, played prebuilt/Mac/Bootcamp before that), I don’t really care about 60+fps or 4k, either. But that’s because I can’t be bothered to pay the absurd amounts that the “big” GPUs cost. My latest one (6650xt) cost $250, and even that felt a bit painful (my

I don’t “hate” the game, I’m just passing on it (and a bit disappointed that a series I’ve played for decades has left me behind. But that’s the nature of change, whether it’s games, or authors, or bands.) The key thing for me is that, no matter how “Final Fantasy” it is story-wise...

Sure, but modding will always be more open & uncontrolled on PC. Whether you’re looking for other-people’s-IP mods, or mods that add additional features (like script extenders), or sex mods, or just making your own. Plus powerful/useful third-party utilities like Mod Organizer/Vortex, Bodyslide, ENB, and others.

B550 mobo, Ryzen 5 3600, Seasonic 650W psu, 16 GB 3200 ram, 1TB SSD + 2TB HDD, (RX 570 8GB when I built it; now an RX6650xt), free Win10. Re-used the case from my 2011 build (built this one in 2020).

It does seem like the standard modern-era “internet forum screamers want something to scream about” situation. It’s the flavor of the day to make endless Panic Posts about it on the Starfield steam forum, replacing the usual “$70 is insane”, “no land vehicles = no buy”, and “omg SSD required?!?!?” threads. Oh, and

Yeah, I’ve always played these games solo, too.  I’m mostly ok with “always online”, I’m just annoyed at being forced to see other players wandering the world with me.

And then, of course, you need two of some of them, so you can salvage them to add the visual to your Wardrobe. :D

No, you don’t lose characters. When a new “season” or “ladder” starts, to participate in that season you need to make a new character (so that everyone is starting from the same point, with an empty stash/etc). Once the season is over, any character you made for the season (and any loot in your season stash) is

Hooray for “always online”. /facepalm

It’s a xenomorph.

Initial thought - well, of course you do, what would be the point otherwise?

No, but I’m not a good action player, so going this far into action territory makes it a no-go for me in general. I can manage slower-paced or lower-end action games.

I definitely haven’t replayed those games in a loooong time. Were 13-2 and Lightning Returns also ATB?

You’ve still got to admit that there’s a difference between ATB and the full-on action stuff that the 13's, 15, and 7 Remake moved to.  (I’ve been kind of lumping ATB into “turn based” over the years, since it was still mostly that “okay, your action - pick something from the menu” thing)

I’m disappointed, but I recognize that this is the direction the series is going.

Maybe Devil May Cry combat in a Final Fantasy Tactics-style world isn’t such a bad idea after all.

Remember, everything they complain about other people doing, is a confession.

Yeah, I’ve just been sticking with Basic Attack Dmg (weapon), and Healing Received (armor). The rest of them seem either pointless, or crazy specialized. (and maybe I’m just not a ‘twitchy’ enough player, but 3-4 second buffs just seem way too short. Oh, good - something’s Vulnerable for 4 seconds. I might get one

Slowly clawing my way through the beginning of Act 4 with my Traps/Poison/Barrage archer Rogue.  Pretty sure it’s not a strong build, but I’m stubborn.