
I remember in Mario Power Tennis after winning with Shy Guy he goes to collect his trophy and then trips and his mask falls off. And then he gets up and while the player never sees his face, Luigi does and is horrified by what he sees.

It could be both.

That song was one of the most gorgeous moments from any medium this last decade. Hell, every way this game uses music is wonderful, and shows what games can do that others cannot.

Nope. John Stossel.

I went the same high school as Kathy Bates. So suck on that, A.V. Club.

There are some that aren't about movies that are perfectly fine. When writing about movies and t.v. shows they tend to just act like Cinema Sins and miss the point entirely.

Are…are they all that bad?

I love how the trailer says she wrote a fifteen page essay on it and yet her argument basically boils down to shit you'd have to stretch out to make a five-paragraph section of a bad Cracked article.

I'm pretty sure the song is about an actual girlfriend he had who died of cancer. The rest of the times he sings about loving men he may be talking about Jesus.

From Here to Eternity is pretty goddamn awful. And if we can add in films that almost won Best Picture, then I'll like to add Reds, which is the most boring fucking movie I've ever seen.

Could it be true? Someone who share's my strong dislike of Iron Man 3? I thought I was alone in these woods.

"I'm happy to announce that another union has joined us in a sympathy strike: the piano tuners' Local 412!"

He means Belize.

My question is: why couldn't they just spray him with rum so that no one would believe his story?

"Football for some, miniature Bruno Mars concert for others!"

"… and South Park calls him a gay fish (I haven't seen the episode, so this makes no sense to me, other than showing how puerile and homophobic South Park can be)."

I thought this was America.

I feel embarrassed, but the first time I watched Fifty-Fifty I didn't notice in the one scene that Roy's sunglasses are changing just about every time it cuts away from him and then back.

Wondrous Bughouse is great. I'd say it's the best album of the year, but I've only listened to five albums this year, so I don't have much to compare it to.

Next week is "Secrets of a Successful Marriage" if memory serves, it's a…..*SIGH*. It's just not the same.