
I saw him when he opened for Neutral Milk Hotel back 3 or 4 years ago (I forget which year was their reunion tour). He came out with a walker and couldn't play until a stagehand brought him a chair. He looked like he was in his 80s.

I remember hearing about this in an article on Entertainment Weekly of all places. They were, for some reason, convinced this was a marketing stunt for Where the Wild Things Are until someone actually saw it.

1. Mary-Kate
2. Elizabeth
3. Angel
4. Ashley
5. Jimmy


No, it's much worse than that.

I saw the reactions to this sketch on twitter. Then I saw that the episode was rated TV-14 for Violence. Then I saw the ceiling fan. So this sketch just filled me with dread from the start.

Marvin Gaye is one of the greatest artists to ever live, but that doesn't make this song any easier to listen to. I don't if that's because it feels like what a shitty comedy would use as a joke for a sex scene, but it does feel like unintentional parody.

This is nothing. Two years ago I was walking around Hollywood and saw a billboard for THE SPIRIT.


The finale was so great because it perfectly explained why there shouldn't be another season. For a few weeks after I was so upset that this show I loved (one of the only shows I've watched since it first started airing) has ended, but even during those weeks if someone had asked me if I wanted a seventh season, I

Deadwood got a Best Drama series nom in it's second season and has 8 wins overall (though most are tech categories).

I think it's more acknowledging that he knows the movie is not for everyone, especially him (he's said elsewhere he's not a big fan of surrealism). This seems like a movie where saying "I didn't like it but maybe don't listen to me on this" seems like a perfectly fine response.

I remember the first time I watched it thinking "those kids would have been fine if they just stayed with their aunt", and I didn't like the movie very much. Later, I realized that they never should have had to make that choice in the first place, and I liked the movie a lot more. Even more recently, I heard that my

Be warned before watching Big Love: You're gonna hate Bill Henrickson like you've never hated a character before. Not even kidding, he's worse than Joffrey.

I think this is the first year I've actually heard about one of the artists (it's brentalfloss, whose's been doing the 'video game music with lyrics' thing for a while now).

Cal State Northridge.

The memorial service for Peter Gregory was shot on my campus right outside the building where I had class that semester. So my feelings on the scene were a mixture of "Oh cool, Silicon Valley is shooting here", "Oh damn, I just remembered that Christopher Evan Welch actually died and now I'm sad", and "Oh fuck, how am

Manhattan is so much better than I thought it would be. More people really should check it out.

I'd say Rhett Butler, but he's the only reason I have my first name.

It's a testament to how great that character is that I didn't even know he was only in one episode. I though he was a recurring character.