
I've listened to I think 4 Prince albums, and everyone of them has the obligatory 'Prince meets a sexually experienced and occasionally intimidating woman who takes him somewhere and has mind-blowing sex with him, even though he's not really on her level' song.

Not even the first for this show.

Yeah, the comparisons don't go that far.

In Kick-Ass there's a guy who's friends with Aaron Johnson and Clark Duke's characters who looks very similar to me and at the end of the film he's the only one of the three who isn't getting laid. Just like me, in every situation.

Honestly, the only film from this decade so far that I consider worse than this is Dark Shadows.

The original film is in the running for worst film of the decade.

That sweet Koch Canyon sound.

What's wrong with your face?

yeah, twee is the exact word that describes this.

I got kids that look like me.

Put a cork in it, Zane!

I think I watched some of this. I left the room at one point because I didn't want to see a bunch of crickets eat baby birds.

What a coincidence. I got him red peppers and milk.

He'll learn that being a carrot…isn't so easy!

He'll learn that being a carrot…isn't so easy!

You know what Marvin Gaye song is awesome?

You know what Marvin Gaye song is awesome?



Mainly for the face Ryan Philippe makes when Sarah Michelle Gellar says "I'll let you put in anywhere."