
It's weird hearing you rave about Clubhouses, as it's one of the few episodes of the show I flat-out don't remember.

So is this mediocre? That sucks, I was hoping it was an absolute train wreck that the trailer made it look like (and I mean look, I started listening to music the second the flash mob did, and only saw the images, but I could already tell the were dancing TO CHANGE THE WORLD). Ever since then, I've wanted to go see it

So is this mediocre? That sucks, I was hoping it was an absolute train wreck that the trailer made it look like (and I mean look, I started listening to music the second the flash mob did, and only saw the images, but I could already tell the were dancing TO CHANGE THE WORLD). Ever since then, I've wanted to go see it

I'd have sex with her.

"The worst film of the year got an 'A' here."

There's always at least one F after the worst films of the year list is published.

There's the Feist mention.

A bit surprised at no one mentioning Metals. That's probably favorite anything of 2011; gave me more joy than any film, tv show, game, etc. from this year.

Did anybody else have the thing at the bottom saying that was selling the Little Sebastian plushie the very second it was introduced?

"What's next, fighting for the neglected rights of Hyrule's rupee miners?"
Not from PETA. They don't give a fuck about people.

What an asshole. He doesn't deserve The Big Butt Book.

What the fuck, man?

I'm afraid to watch this
because I feel like it's going to ruin a really good song just by having it in the trailer, thereby making me think of a shitty trailer every time I hear said song.

That last line was meant to be an Arrested Development reference, but I only just realized that it's from the characters watching Mad Money. So……failure.

Lolilove is on Hulu? God, that huluplus shit is looking more appealing by the day. Which at this point puts it at 'don't buy'.

I wanna believe she just sucks at picking roles, and somebody is going to find a proper way to use her.

It's a movie starring Jenna Fischer.

50 million tons of salt?
That's a lot of salt!

Hey, don't shit on Mississippi! Why, we got……uh…….

The best Beatle, in my opinion.
It goes George, then Paul, then Ringo, and John's last because he wrote Revolution 9, which is awful.