
Very grateful it seems.

Take out the Tracy part and Shia's perfect for it.

I'm not sure, but
is this the first time avclub has given a South Park episode an "A"? That's impressive.

I can't tell if it's sad or wonderful that I only know about Matlock because of The Simpsons.

It's funny how that's actually the best answer there is.

My one problem…
was that I don't exactly understand why Pierce was such a dick. We were lead to believe it was because the group was excluding him, but they were doing it because he was already kind of a dick in the first place, which he said he was doing that because he was seeing how far he could push them. So why…

Are we aloud to wish canceraids upon the staff members? Somebody explain the rules to me.

Four of PTA's five films would be in my top 100 of all-time, so that's how I got to calling him the greatest living director.

Best living director
Hands-down, bar-none, no fucking contest. Even more so now that Sidney Lumet died.