“Some 42% of Ford Focus and Chevy Cruze compact car owners have stayed in the compact car segment with a significant percentage buying competitors’ vehicles”
“Some 42% of Ford Focus and Chevy Cruze compact car owners have stayed in the compact car segment with a significant percentage buying competitors’ vehicles”
Hot take! Get your hot takes here!
I’m starting to like that thing. Seriously.
Honestly, I like it. I think Blade-Runner/Total Recall/Delorean retro-futurism is a lot cooler than the formless tacticool bullshit for red sweaty dads looking like thumbs with goatees that passes for trucks today.
“SH AWD is not really groundbreaking stuff.”
lmao yeah. Were addicted to everything in that thing. My dad nearly bought a Lexus RX350 F-Sport, but I convinced him to take a test drive of an RDX A-Spec. He heard that exhaust note and saw the gas mileage, had a loan approved the same day
Worst day of site content in memory, and that includes coverage of the Mach-E. It’s too much. Tesla revealed a truck. Got it. Move on.
I like how you point out the over promises(legit complaint) but totally ignore the actual delivery. Tesla has accomplished almost everything they have promised. EVERYTHING. Not always exactly in the timeframe promised, sometimes over budget and more expensive than promised but they deliver.
If I had was running crews doing service calls/local construction and needing trucks, and this has no engine with its thousands of moving parts, costs $39k, I can charge it at my yard at night, and won’t get all dented and scratched next to my business name and phone number, I think I would add a few racks and run…
But my fragile ego demands my truck look scary to non-truck drivers. The more it looks like your child would never survive in the back seat of you Accord if I rear-ended you, the more my truck is doing its real job. I don’t HAUL shit in this thing. That would make it messy. Besides. I’ve jacked it up so the load floor…
So, it will be just like an F150 and a Silverado?
There are 1000's of premium, loaded to the gills, conventional trucks out on the road and a vast majority of them are used as grocery wagons. I doubt anyone will use this Tesla thing as a work truck.
“I think there should be a threshold where you can’t really call it a PHEV”
The C7 looks like a front engine Ferrari. The C8 looks like a mid-engine Camaro.
Also important to remember, it’s not just the snow that calls for winter tires— it’s the *temperature*, too. It could be dry as the desert on the ground but when it’s below freezing, those summer tires are just as lousy.
“Haha see we’re not the only ones who crash all the time”