
I heard there was some small American company making EVs that have like a 300+ mile range, with ~4 sec. 0-60 times, impressive tech features, etc. Must be vaporware.

This may be true.

Truth! Spending a Saturday detailing my car is an excellent release.

Been watching his videos for some time, very relaxing to and enjoyable to watch.  

Exactly! I have not seen a single motorist who followed the rules of the road. NOT a single one! Everyone drives 10 mph over the speed limit and rolls right through stop signs.

And motorists insist on parking in bike lanes when they have perfectly good parking spaces on the other side of the street, and forcing us to cut into traffic. 

Most bike paths are designed for the convenience of motorists.

If I had insurance, the police would have to take me seriously when I file a collision report, and the insurance company could ensure that the at-fault party faces some consequences.

Where they do exist, there will be cars parked in it. 

In my former jurisdiction, the fine for riding on the sidewalk was TWICE the fine for parking in the bike lane. 

Getting to a destination?

Maybe if cars could just stop parking in bike lanes.

As a cyclist, I have been hit from behind by motorists while stopping at stop signs.

How about you acknowledge their legal right and live with it. If you hate it, contact your local legislature and propose a law change

I feel like a bunch of people in this thread got flipped off by a cyclist one time, got real mad about it, and have decided all cyclists are awful. 

That was still one experience with one person (albeit an annoying one). Can’t fault bikers in general for that.

Guess what, cars break the rules all the fucking time too. Running red lights, rolling through stops, not signalling, certainly speeding.

That’s because you don’t notice them when they’re not breaking the rules.

“These people break the rules so I’m okay with seeing them as subhuman and a large percentage of people using a 4000 pound vehicle to physically endanger them”

Okay, now ask cyclists how they feel about motorists.