
If they could make the grille a *little* taller, they could turn it into a speaker stack and have the Doof Warrior from Mad Max standing on the bumper playing a guitar solo. *That* might finally get the driver the respect they nakedly crave.

Surely you understand that old, inefficient cars have a place in our culture as well, right?

Yeah, my turbo re circulation valve has broken once and now has a recall with no know solution and the brain for the rear air suspension killed itself a few weeks ago. I am just waiting for something to break in the particulate filter system but at least I get to drive lots of cool loaners from the dealership.

I hate to break it to you but the automotive enthusiast world, in the grand scheme of other “hobbies” is hardly what you’d call “many” and more like “a microscopic portion of the global population that can actually afford a personal vehicle, and an even smaller percentage of the greater population that cannot”.

Yes, and none of those people would have gone to Germany but for the the autobahn. Ok. 

This sounds like a very German problem which means it will involve an overly complex German solution which is destined to fail after 20,000 miles.

None. They use Euros over there. [He said, being a complete dick.]

I get what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sold on this engine tower concept I’ve got going.

Chevy Volt.

Yup. Average person drives 35 miles a day. You can go basically a week before needing to recharge your batteries.....or think about this....once a week you need to remember to plug in your car to your garage for an overnight charge.

This is not unreasonable if you honestly think about it. Let’s say you have a 300 mile range, on a road trip, let’s assume mostly highway and you’re able to maintain 50-55 mph average which is somewhat normal given traffic, etc., then you will be behind the wheel for 5-6 hours without a stop. At that point you will

Does the ongoing SUV apocalypse have you down?  Here’s some good news: 

That’s not a charging station. That’s a battery.

I doubt this is legal in non rural areas.

Makes sense, but also keep in mind this is a market that thinks they need to own a truck for the two times a year they actually need a bed.

There’s no real mystery to a clutch replacement - it’s just messy and time-consuming.

He missed the important thing with RWD- do not leave your head under the driveshaft while removing, while changing the clutch on my 760 the thing didn’t budge- I hit it with hammers, swore at it and rubbed coconut oil on it, while lying under the car pondering my next step it fell off onto my forehead- I take credit

No. An N54. For a proper turbo BMW experience. Nothing like bragging about the number of HPFPs you went through.

Add underwear to that list.